Dear Parishioners,
Baptism points back to the work of God and forward to the life of faith.
Today’s feast concluded the Christmas season, Jesus’ baptism is recorded in the three synoptic Gospels, namely Matthew, Mark and Luke. In each of these Gospels the scene is presented as a very important turning point in Jesus’ life; a) a moment of identification. b) a moment of conviction. C) a moment of equipment. D) a moment of decision.
As we reflect on the baptism of Jesus, it reminds us of our identity and also of our mission. It is important for us to connect it with our own lives, with our baptisms and what that means for each one of us.
It is a day to thank God for the graces we have received in Baptism, to renew our Baptismal promises and to preach Christ’s “Good News” by our transparent Christian lives of love, mercy, service and forgiveness.
Fr Peter
Next Sunday is Peace Day.
Also next Sunday (15th January): at the end of Mass, we will take a collection that will go towards a Farewell Gift for Bishop Alan from the entire diocese.
The Thanksgiving and Farewell Mass for Bishop Alan Hopes takes place on Tuesday 24th January 2023 at 11.30am at the Cathedral of St John the Baptist. Parishioners wishing to attend are asked to please sign the lists in our church porches by next Sunday, 8th January. A light buffet lunch will be available after the Mass.
First Holy Communion. Classes have now started for our First Holy Communion candidates on Sundays at the Sacred Heart, following Mass. Parents wishing to register their children of 7yrs plus, need to complete a registration form, to be found at the back of the church or to give all information to Fr Peter.
RCIA (the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) meetings are taking place, for those adults seeking to become members of the Catholic Church or wishing to know more about the faith. Please contact the parish office or speak with Fr. Peter for information.
Churches Together North Walsham is holding a service at the Sacred Heart Church on Sunday 15th January at 2.30pm. This ecumenical service includes the renewal of the CNTW Covenant, when local churches pledge to work together. All are invited to participate in this United Churches Service.
Important notice. To any parishioners who have Foundation Masses arranged annually in our parish, please would they contact the parish office (email or by phone) or inform Fr Peter of the details.
Minutes of the Parish Pastoral Council Meeting of 6th December are now available both online and in hard copies in our churches.
At St Helen’s: the next 4th Wednesday Club meeting is on 25th January.
There will be no ’Coffee Morning’ in January. The next meeting will be on Wednesday 1st February 2023.
Diocesan Yearbook (£2.50) and Dec/Jan ‘Catholic East Anglia’ paper (FREE) are both available in church porches.
The Diocese is seeking a Deputy Director of Schools Service. Please see Diocesan Website for more details:
We pray for our sick parishioners: Gerry Francis, Matt Butler, Frances Palman, Mary Bell, Monica Hawley, Mary Carr, Paul Watson, Cyril Shenton, Patricia Newton, Pat Durrant, Celia Cooper, Barbara Laws, Michael Haughton and Marie Barton.
We pray for those whose anniversaries occur this week: Derek Palman (last week). Mary Betts, Wladyslaw Przybyla, Bridget Power, Marie Heath, Jayne Youngman, Michael Dalton, Jeremiah (Jerry) Griffin, Constance Keeble, Kathleen Holdstock, Romano Pagini, Anne Holmes and Dorothy Henderson.
May they rest in peace.