PRESENT: Fr James Walsh, Richard McGreevy (St Helen’s), (Chair), Antonia Martinez (Sacred Heart), Becky Walker (Sacred Heart), Ann Gibbs (Sacred Heart), Keith Copperwheat (St John of the Cross), Ginny Keane (St John of the Cross), Peter Rylands (St Helen’s), Catherine Watkins (Secretary)
- APOLOGIES: John Bolger, Georgiana Reynolds
Fr James opened the meeting with a prayer.
- It was agreed to try and finish the meeting by 8.45pm.
- MINUTES OF THE MEETING: on 7 December 2021 were agreed and signed.
a. Welcome Packs. Cathy had provided packs to each of the churches.
b. Health & Safety Update. The Ellis Whittam representative is due to return in August to complete the checks at St John of the Cross. Training is required in First Aid and the use of fire extinguishers. First Aiders are needed at all three churches. It was agreed that joint training would be arranged for all the churches. Richard agreed to issue an appeal in the newsletter for volunteers to be first aiders.
Action – Richard
c. Covid Update. There was an incident at the Sacred Heart church in January; those affected have now recovered. The bishops have issued Guidance for Lent and Easter: those with symptoms should stay at home, social distancing has been removed and the churches have returned to normal capacity (however if there are members of the congregation who prefer to keep their distance, there are notices available asking that the seat next to them be kept free), sanitizer use continues, use of masks is optional. Holy Thursday washing of the feet will be resumed. Good Friday Veneration of the Cross – alcoholic wipes to be used between venerators. Easter Vigil is fully restored.
d. Elections of PPC Representatives. James Ellis from St John of the Cross has been asked if he is willing to stand but cannot be nominated until he has been baptized into the Church.
e. Amendment to Constitution. This had been amended as agreed at the previous meeting and published on the Website.
Fr James reported that the war in Ukraine is much on the minds of parishioners at present, and Lenten Alms will go to Aid to the Church in Need, earmarked for relief in Ukraine. There is the possibility that refugees may arrive in the area and Churches Together in North Walsham are waiting to co-ordinate accommodation. One lady has offered use of a granny flat. Ann commented that there is a real shortage of rented accommodation in North Walsham and that there are four women from India working in the area and currently living in Walsham Grange, who would like to bring their families over.
The Confirmation group is meeting
The First Holy Communion group is meeting
RCIA is ongoing
Faithful Flames for younger children meets most Sundays and numbers are slowly increasing.
Fr James said that he was looking forward to Holy Week, with Baptisms and Receptions at the Easter services.
There will be a Reconciliation service on Saturday 9 April at 11.30am, where there will be three priests to hear confessions.
Fr James said that he would be away after Easter, from 22 to 29 April.
We now have the launch dates for the programme – three consecutive Sundays: 8, 15 and 22 May. Fr James will manage the conducting of the programme, which was taken up by the diocesan board.
Action – Fr James
Final updates to the new directory were agreed. Cathy would arrange printing at a printers in Stalham. It was agreed that one copy would be required for each family in the parish, plus enough for newcomers. Cathy agreed to liaise with Antonia on numbers required.
Action – Cathy
St John of the Cross. There was a Forum meeting on 23 January. The church has a good balance in the Account. The gardener has had a pay rise. Volunteers are needed for the Fabric Committee and for counters and Katie has confirmed that she is looking for volunteers for the choir. Next Forum meeting will be on Sunday 19 March.
St Helen. Social activities continue, the gardener’s contract has been renewed. The quinquennial review has been carried out.
Sacred Heart. Fr James’s report had covered most developments at the Sacred Heart. The numbers at Mass are steadily increasing and there is more in the collections. The church car park is in need of attention, with several large potholes having formed and the presbytery parking area is not in a good state either. Kerry’s running of Faithful Flames was highly praised. Iwona has Covid, so is currently unable to clean the presbytery or the hall. Ziggy is helping out by cleaning in the hall. The repairs to the hall floor are in hand, as is the insurance claim. The need for new altar servers was discussed – any age, so long as they had made their First Communion, and training would be given.
- 2023 SYNOD OF BISHOPS. The completed questionnaires had been forwarded to the Diocese.
- DEFIBRILLATORS. It was reported that Georgiana no longer had a spare. The meeting agreed that it would be better to have first aid and CPR training. This item appears on the Finance Committee agenda.
a. Trees in church grounds. This item was requested by John Bolger. “I would like to make some initial enquiries, to see what resources there are to advise on what trees we could or should plant on the Sacred Heart land and how to obtain them. Anybody with land is being strongly encouraged to consider planting trees. of course it’s thoroughly in line with Pope Francis’ environmental concerns. If it proved feasible and was pursued, it could quite easily involve young people’s groups, within our parish or elsewhere.” This was agreed in principle, although existing space would need to be considered. There is a tree expert at St John of the Cross (Michael Baker). He would be asked to speak to Fr James.
Action – St John of the Cross representatives
b. It was agreed that reference to the Parish Fete in the Directory be changed to read Parish Garden Party. Each year since 2017, Fr James’ family have visited the parish and the garden parties at these times have been a great success.
c. Parish AGM. It was agreed this would be held on Monday 16 May 2022 in the parish hall, 7.00 for 7.30pm. St John of the Cross to provide the main courses, Sacred Heart the desserts. Lists would be required to ascertain numbers attending. There would be a guest speaker, and reports from the PPC Chair and from the Chair of the Finance Committee. Cathy to book the hall.
Action – Cathy, Richard, Antonia
Tuesday 14 June 2022, 7.15pm for 7.30 at St John of the Cross, Aylsham.
Fr James concluded the meeting with a prayer.