A WARM WELCOME TO ANY VISITORS who may be with us this weekend, staying with family and friends or just here on holiday: we hope you have an enjoyable time here in beautiful North Norfolk. You are welcome to stay for coffee after our Sunday morning Masses and meet some of our parishioners.
Today is known as Low Sunday – the origin being that those baptised at the Easter Vigil would take off their white baptismal garments with which they had been presented at their Baptism. It is also known as Divine Mercy Sunday when we reflect upon all that we have celebrated over these past weeks – the infinite love of God in Jesus.
Congratulations to John Gowing, welcomed into the Church through the waters of Baptism, Confirmation & Eucharist at the Easter Vigil, and to Peter Brander and Tony Sea-borne-Howard who were both received into Full Communion with the Catholic Church at the same time and received the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist.
Fr David would like to express his thanks for the very generous collection taken at the Easter Sunday Masses.
You are welcome to take some of the newly blessed Easter Water home with you. Bring a small bottle when you are next at Mass in North Walsham.
N.B. There is no 9.30 am morning Mass on Monday 28th April.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP – meets on Monday 28th April: am Computer Workshop; pm Planning Meeting.
PPC MEETING The Parish Pastoral Council’s next meeting is on Thursday 1st May at 7.30pm in the presbytery. (NB: a change of date from one on the website) ).
STALHAM AREA HOUSE MASS will be at the home of Frances Hall, 3 St John’s Gardens, Stalham, NR12 9BD on Friday 2nd May at 7.30pm. Tel no 01692 582596 All welcome.
DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO WALSINGHAM: Bank Holiday Monday 5th May. A coach will pick up parishioners from Hoveton at 9.30am, from North Walsham at 9.50am and from Aylsham at 10.15am., arriving at the Shrine at 11.15am. Please be punctual as the coach cannot wait for latecomers. Departure for return journey 5.00pm.
Please PUT YOUR NAME TO THE LIST in the church porch as we need to know numbers for the size of coach asap. (Apologies for delay in getting lists to churches). Cost – £5 will be collected on boarding the coach: please bring a packed lunch. Those travelling independently are to be at the Friday Market Place by 12noon. The theme this year is Mary, Mother of Evangelisation. Crowning of the Statue & Procession from Friday Market is at 12.30pm. Mass is a 3pm in the Chapel of Reconciliation. Do make every effort to join this diocesan pilgrimage. Poster with further details of the Day’s Programme is on the notice board.
CHRISTIAN AID – North Walsham. This year the street collection day will be on Thursday 15th May. Collections are made from 9.00am until 1.00pm at three points around the Market Place/Post Office area and taken in one hour slots although anybody willing to do longer is most welcome. Those who would like to help Christian Aid in this way and are available please ring 01692 404822 (from now until 9th May you are asked to leave your name and telephone number on the answer machine which will be answered when the organiser returns). There is also a mobile no 0790 3244658.
OUR FAREWELL TO FATHER DAVID On Sunday 18th May at 12noon, following the morning Mass at North Walsham, there will be a “Bring and Share” buffet lunch in the parish hall for us to say farewell to Fr David.
“A DAY WITH MARY” will be held at the Shrine of Our Lady, Walsingham on Sunday 1st June, Feast of the Ascension. Please see poster for programme of the day.
ASSISI PILGRIMAGE with the Secular Franciscan Order. Pilgrimage from 27th Aug – 3rd Sept. Cost: £420 excluding air fare, Ryanair from Stansted. For details please contact Rob Hardie on robhardie47@gmail.com or phone 01603 897609.
LOOKING AHEAD: Dates for your diary – details to follow later.
DIOCESAN CHILDREN’S PILGRIMAGE TO WALSINGHAM (Tuesday of Spring half term) Tuesday 27th May.
DIOCESAN CELEBRATION OF MARRIAGE & FAMILY LIFE will be held at St John’s Cathedral, Norwich on Saturday 21st June at 11.00am.
TEACHING POST – St Laurence’s Catholic Primary School, Cambs. Head Teacher required for September 2014 or January 2015. For more information please visit the Diocesan Website: www.catholiceastanglia.org
We pray for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time, including Doris Johnson, Sally Leah Lovell, Charles Arthur Ablitt, Livia Caffarelli, Francis William Booth-Skinner, John Joseph Browne, Betty Ethelwyn Empson, David Bullen, Bernard Hugh Williams, Florence Marie Gasper, Doris Marian Beaumont and John Gibbs.
May they rest in peace. Amen.
Fr David Ron O’Toole