A WARM WELCOME to our visitors; thank you for joining us for our Mass. You are welcome to join parishioners for coffee after our Sunday Masses (Aylsham and North Walsham).
PARISH CAROL SERVICE is this afternoon at 3pm in the Sacred Heart Church. This is for everyone. Refreshments afterwards – mulled wine and mince pies. Do come with family and friends – and fill the church.
PARISH CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PARTY is also this afternoon at 4.00pm until 6.00pm in the parish hall at North Walsham (following the Carol Service); regrettably, only for those children whose names were entered on the lists.
READERS & MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION are required at North Walsham for the Christmas Masses. Please sign up on list in the porch. Children wishing to read at the 6pm Mass on Christmas Eve should speak to Fr David.
PARISH MASSES AT CHRISTMAS Times are listed on the back page of this newsletter also in the Advent Parish Programme. Please note, there is no Mass in North Walsham on Christmas Morning. Therefore if you require a lift to either Aylsham or Hoveton (or can offer a lift) please have a word with Fr David.
Morning Mass on Wednesday 26th (St Stephen’s day) is transferred to North Walsham and is at 10.00am.
On Thursday (27th) Mass will be at 10.00am – there will be no Exposition.
CAROL SINGING (organised by Churches Together): Mon 24th Dec at 10.00am, Market Place, Aylsham.
Do come along and give Witness to the true meaning of the Season.
THE COLLECTION taken at our Christmas Masses is the traditional Christmas gift to your priest. Any regular Sunday collection envelopes which are for Parish Funds should be held until next weekend. Visitors may like to use one of the “one off” gift aid envelopes for your collection, available at the back of the church. Many thanks.
CHRISTMAS DAY LUNCH (Supported by Churches Together in North Walsham) – It may still be possible for those who live in North Walsham and who will be on their own on Christmas Day to join others who are similarly placed (no matter what age) for an enjoyable and convivial Christmas lunch free at the Community Centre. Speak with Fr David.
OPEN HOUSE: Fr David invites parishioners to the Presbytery on New Year’s Day, Tuesday 1st January following the 10.30am Mass. All are welcome.
BURNS NIGHT SUPPER – raising funds for Group 111 HCPT: in the parish hall on Saturday 26th January. Details to follow shortly.
CHRISTMAS CRIB COLLECTION will be for “Crisis at Christmas”
Presentation Album for Svay Sisophon Time is running short and we’re still waiting for your photos and messages! Please give them asap to Kerry (NW), Pippa (Aylsham), Abby (Hoveton) or to your local Support Cambodia representative. Closing date: 6th January.
NEW YEAR EPIPHANY CANDLELIGHT MASS Looking ahead to 5th January 2013, this Mass for young people across the Diocese is held at the White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich NR14 7SH; it is followed by refreshments, a bonfire & fireworks. Please bring a wrapped gift to the value of £5 to go into a lucky dip. See fliers in the porch for more details.
JOB OPPORTUNITY The Cathedral of St John The Baptist Trust wishes to employ a Financial Assistant at the Cathedral. in Norwich. Application Form and detailed Job Description can be obtained from the Finance Office (Tel:01508 492540/e-mail: finance@east-angliadiocese.org.uk Closing date for applications is Friday 11th January 2013.
PARISH FETE 2013 Watch this space for date of a planning meeting in January, for those who have helped with this event before and any newcomers.
CHRISTIANS against poverty UK offer a FREE counselling service to help those who find themselves struggling with debt. To contact call 0800 328 0006 or go to www.capuk.org There are also Leaflets at the back of the church.
The Funeral Mass of John Wills – N Walsham: Friday 28th Dec at 10.15am
The Funeral Service of Bryan Barby – Aylsham: Friday 28th Dec at 2.45pm
The Funeral Mass of Mary Fogerty – N Walsham: Friday 28th Dec at 3.00pm.
We pray for Fr Peter Wynekus, retired priest of the diocese, who died last Wednesday; also for Bryan Barby who died earlier last week: we remember in prayer their families and friends. We pray for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time, including Juliette Josephine (Nan) Davies, Nora Slater, Francesco Carlucci, Agnes Mary Webster, John Lawrence Peter Hall, Thomas Walter Patrick Proud, June Anne Cole, George Mousley and Raymond Miller. May they rest in peace. Amen.
Fr David and Deacon Ron would like to take this opportunity of wishing Parishioners and our Visitors the Peace and Joy of Christmas and every Blessing for the New Year.