Dear Friends,
Today’s readings are food for thought indeed! They help us to see the world in a new and bigger perspective. In particular they see God, not as some great force or distant deity, but as one who is intimately involved in everything through a commitment to love – a love that is realised in total self-giving. This is revealed in the cross of Christ because this is ‘how I have loved you’.
This is what St Peter is beginning to realise – that ‘anybody who fears God and does what is right is acceptable to him’. He needed to be shown that ‘God does not have favourites’. Salvation is for all peoples and this is true for us today. The missionary outreach of the Church has its roots in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the very early days of the Church. As we look towards the feast of Pentecost we too pray that that same Spirit will continue to inspire the Church to proclaim the Good News.
St John, in today’s second reading, tells us: ‘Anyone who loves is begotten by God and knows God….because God is love’. For Jesus the one thing needed, the most important commandment, is ‘love one another as I have loved you’.
The CAFOD appeal for Nepal is still open and you can make donations by cash or cheque (Please make these out to ‘Sacred Heart Parish’ rather than to CAFOD). If you are a taxpayer you can also gift-aid your offering.
The Annual General Meeting of the whole parish will take place at North Walsham on Monday, 18th May at 7.00 pm. Every member of the parish is invited. We need to have some idea of numbers for the meal so please add your name to the list.
God bless you all,
Father James
Food for thought: ‘I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes’.
Rosary said: 10.30am N Walsham; 8.30am Aylsham, Hoveton.
Benediction is today Sunday (10th) at the Sacred Heart at 3pm; the theme – May Devotions, the Luminous Mysteries.
Senior Citizens Group (NW) meets 11th: AM Computer Workshop; PM A talk by Joan McInnes OCDS on St Teresa of Avila & the Secular Carmelites.
Christian Aid Week is from 10th to 16th May. Aylsham: Volunteers for house to house collection needed: please sign the list in the church (Aylsham). Coffee morning at St John’s on Friday 15th May, 10.15am – 12noon. Cakes etc needed for the stall on Monday 11th at St Michael’s Monday Market. Hoveton: Songs of Praise Service at St Mary’s Wroxham, TODAY Sunday 10th at 3.30pm: Coffee morning & cake stall Wroxham URC The Hub on Thursday 14th at 10.30-12noon.
Stalham Area House Mass on Friday 15th May, at the home of May Diane & Tony Shaw: Meadowsweet, 4 Crown Road Buxton. NR10 5EH. Tel. 01603 279559.
Plant Sale (Support Cambodia) Saturday 16th, 10.30am onwards. Please display enclosed flier eg. shop window, notice board and drop off your plants in front of mower shed behind hall.
Forum at St Helen’s on Saturday 23rd May following the Mass.
A request from the Catenians: in their work of evangelization, to Aboriginals in Australia, countries in Africa and recently to the islands in the Pacific – they are in need of Rosaries. Please help by looking out spare Rosaries from your home or from family members and friends. A box is available at the back of the church.
Next Sunday (Ascension) is World Communications Day – 2nd collection.
We pray also for those whose anniversaries occur during this week including: Florence Dady, Olive Carr, Winifred (Joan) Madden, Joan Harmer, Margaret Douglas and Elizabeth Uden.
May they rest in peace.