Dear Friends, Today we begin the beautiful season of Advent. Advent is about the Coming of Our Lord, both looking back at his earthly ministry and also to his advent at the end of time. Last Sunday I read a letter from Bishop Alan inviting us to join the diocesan campaign ‘Alive in Faith’. I have printed a letter which gives more details about the campaign. Copies are … [Read more...] about Newsletter 29.11.15.
Newsletter 22.11.15.
Dear Friends, Today’s feast brings to a close the Church’s year with a celebration of the kingship of Christ. His kingdom is not in the manner of this world. His kingship is of one who is ‘like a son of man’, one who is ‘pierced’, one who is ‘handed over’ and one who bears witness to the truth. Today I will be reading a letter from Bishop Alan inviting us to join the … [Read more...] about Newsletter 22.11.15.
Newsletter 15.11.15.
Dear Friends, As we approach the end of the Church’s year the liturgy focuses on the ‘last times’ and the second coming of Christ. No one knows the day or the hour. What is important is that we live in such a way that we are ready when he does come. Parents of children who are of 1st Holy Communion age are asked to contact me so that they can be inscribed in the programme … [Read more...] about Newsletter 15.11.15.
Newsletter 08.11.15.
Dear Friends, In today’s Gospel the humble widow offered to God her two small coins, all she had to live on. In the Eucharist Jesus really gives himself to us together with all that we need to live on. On whose side do we see ourselves: that of the scribes who wish to give the appearance of generosity while only disposing of some of their surplus, or that of the poor widow … [Read more...] about Newsletter 08.11.15.
Newsletter 01.11.15.
Dear Friends, Today is the Feast of All Saints. We celebrate the holy men and women who have triumphed over sin and temptation showing us how to be true disciples. In particular we recognise what God has done in the lives of frail human beings. When the Church celebrates saints she is celebrating what God has done for the numberless children who have been begotten in the … [Read more...] about Newsletter 01.11.15.