A warm welcome to any visitors who may be with us this weekend, staying with family and friends or just here on holiday: we hope you have an enjoyable time in beautiful North Norfolk. You are welcome to stay for coffee after our weekend Masses and meet some of our parishioners. We especially welcome Fr Peter Brown to our parish; he will be with us for this weekend and next … [Read more...] about Newsletter 23.08.15.
Newsletter 16.08.15.
Dear Friends, This Sunday the Church celebrates the Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady. It recognises Mary’s unique place in the history of salvation. As the mother of the Messiah she was a vital link in the chain of God’s plan to establish a new relationship with his people. But the feast is also about new life; in particular the new life of the Risen Christ. Baptism gives … [Read more...] about Newsletter 16.08.15.
Newsletter 09.08.15.
Dear Friends, The Gospel reading about the feeding of the five thousand is a peg on which St John hangs his discourse on Jesus, the bread of life. The Gospel today ends with Jesus’ words: ‘the bread that I shall give is my flesh, for the life of the world’. It is a radical statement from which the Church draws its belief in the Real Presence of the Risen Christ in the … [Read more...] about Newsletter 09.08.15.
Newsletter 02.08.15.
Dear Friends, The Gospel reading last Sunday (the feeding of the five thousand) leads to today's statement made by Jesus: ‘I am the bread of life’. This is what he wished to reveal in the multiplied bread - the real purpose of the miraculous meal. In the reading from Exodus God is revealed as feeding the people’s physical hunger: ‘the Lord gave them bread from heaven’ we … [Read more...] about Newsletter 02.08.15.
Newsletter 26.07.15.
Dear Friends, Today’s Gospel reading tells the story of how Jesus fed a great crowd of people with just a few loaves and fish. St John wrote this account 60 years after the event for the Christian community that would have made the connection with what it did every Sunday at the Eucharist. Just as Jesus ‘took the loaves, gave thanks and gave them out to all’ so the celebrant … [Read more...] about Newsletter 26.07.15.