Dear Friends, In today’s Gospel the Twelve return from their missionary journey to report back to Jesus and they expect to have some quiet time. But the crowds have other ideas! They follow Jesus and the apostles to a desert place - in fact they are there before them! Jesus is moved with pity for these sheep without a shepherd. He does so, partly because he sees how real is … [Read more...] about Newsletter 19.07.15.
Newsletter 12.07.15.
Dear Friends, The key word in today’s readings is ‘chosen’. Amos is chosen by God to prophesy to the people of Israel; the twelve apostles are chosen by Jesus and sent out to preach; and St Paul reminds us that ‘we are claimed as God’s own, chosen from the beginning’. For us that choice brings the responsibility, like the apostles, to have a share in proclaiming the message … [Read more...] about Newsletter 12.07.15.
Newsletter 05.07.15.
Dear Friends, In today’s Gospel Jesus comes to visit the place where he grew up. The people had heard of the amazing things he had already done elsewhere. Now they wanted someone who would rescue them from their poverty and their subjection to Roman occupation. They looked for powerful signs of God who would be a political saviour. Instead Jesus spoke about the signs of … [Read more...] about Newsletter 05.07.15.
Newsletter 14.06.15.
Dear Friends, Last week I planted tomatoes in a pot. This week it was a selection of herbs! I am no gardener but I know enough to make sure that the tender young plants have sunlight and water. Now I have to be patient and allow nature to take its course. In today’s Gospel reading we find two parables about growing. What is encouraging is that the seed produces a crop even … [Read more...] about Newsletter 14.06.15.
Newsletter 07.06.15.
Dear Friends, The Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) is a reminder of the central place of the Eucharist in our Catholic tradition. So it is appropriate that a group of our children who have been preparing for this day for several months should today receive Holy Communion for the first time. On Friday some of our young people were confirmed by Bishop … [Read more...] about Newsletter 07.06.15.