Dear Friends, Last Sunday Jesus spoke of himself as the Good Shepherd and in today’s Gospel reading he uses the image of himself as the Vine. Both remind us that our faith is centred above all on a person rather than a philosophy or a way of living. The Lord guarantees life to those who remain attached to the vine. But it is not without cost. A plant, even a garden rose, … [Read more...] about Newsletter 03.05.15.
Newsletter 26.04.15.
Dear Friends, The 4th Sunday of Easter is known as ‘Good Shepherd’ Sunday because the gospel is always from chapter 10 of St John’s Gospel and is a day of prayer for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. The section that is read today emphasises the cost of shepherding. The Good Shepherd is the one who ‘lays down his life’ and he does this not grudgingly or … [Read more...] about Newsletter 26.04.15.
Newsletter 19.04.15.
Dear Friends, The spring weather is in full bloom and nicely complements the new life of the Resurrection. In these weeks after Easter the Sunday readings have a particular freshness and immediacy. Today’s Gospel leads directly from the Emmaus story into another appearance of Jesus. The Lord shares food with his disciples and points to the scriptures that he is fulfilling. … [Read more...] about Newsletter 19.04.15.
Newsletter 12.04.15.
Dear Friends, We have lived and shared together the most important week in the Church’s calendar. One of my priestly colleagues said to me recently that a new parish priest only fully takes ownership of his parish when he has celebrated the Holy Week liturgies with his parish family. There is much truth in this. The Mass on Maundy Thursday with its deeply symbolic Washing of … [Read more...] about Newsletter 12.04.15.
Newsletter 05.04.15.
The Lord is alive! He is risen indeed! Welcome to this Easter Mass which celebrates the central mystery of our faith: the Resurrection of the Lord. The readings today are full of the confident and joyful faith of the early Christian community. The first Easter Sunday as narrated by St John is full of movement. First comes Mary Magdalen, still weeping and confused. She … [Read more...] about Newsletter 05.04.15.