Today we begin the Week that we call Holy. It is the high point of the Church’s year when we re-live the central events of our faith. During these days we come together as one parish community to share in the beautiful liturgies and to celebrate together the Paschal Mystery - the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The services of the Triduum are in effect one … [Read more...] about Newsletter 29.03.15.
Newsletter 22.03.15
I know that I am not alone in feeling deeply concerned about the level of violence around the world at the present time. Many thousands of our Christian brothers and sisters are subjected to vicious persecution: forced to flee their homes, their churches desecrated, many have been murdered in a particularly barbaric fashion. Martyrdom has always been held in high regard by … [Read more...] about Newsletter 22.03.15
Newsletter 15.03.15.
There is a phrase in today’s second reading which reads: ‘we are God’s work of art’. Perhaps you might be thinking that the Lord still has quite a bit of work to do before we can be exhibited! The truth is that God doesn’t make rubbish: the master craftsman is gradually shaping us into the likeness of his Son. Or, to use another biblical image, the potter is constantly at work … [Read more...] about Newsletter 15.03.15.
Newsletter 08.03.15.
Some people see the Ten Commandments as negative and restrictive. It is surely more helpful to understand their real purpose: to reveal God’s will to direct our lives and our relationships so as to live as God’s holy people. In today’s Gospel reading Jesus cleanses the Temple of greed and hypocrisy. He doesn’t just drive out the merchants. He is going to establish a new and … [Read more...] about Newsletter 08.03.15.
Some people see the Ten Commandments as negative and restrictive. It is surely more helpful to understand their real purpose: to reveal God’s will to direct our lives and our relationships so as to live as God’s holy people. In today’s Gospel reading Jesus cleanses the Temple of greed and hypocrisy. He doesn’t just drive out the merchants. He is going to establish … [Read more...] about