I am always glad to see the end of February and, now that we are beginning the month of March, the first signs of spring. The Second Sunday in Lent tells of the Transfiguration of Jesus - a glimpse of his divine nature that was given to his closest followers. It was an experience they would never forget and one that would sustain them in the difficult times that lay … [Read more...] about Newsletter 01.03.15.
Newsletter 22.02.15.
Anyone who has been in a situation where they felt insecure and vulnerable - out of their comfort zone, to use the current phrase - feeling threatened or looking for answers or solutions, then the people in today's readings are relevant. Noah survived when everything around him was destroyed and he was given a sign that God would be faithful to the Covenant that He has made … [Read more...] about Newsletter 22.02.15.
Newsletter 15.02.15.
At the time of Jesus leprosy was not just an incurable physical ailment: it amounted to social and religious death (see today’s 1st reading). Socially a leper was an outcast and untouchable. The meeting between the leper and Jesus is significant in two ways. The outcast meets with the Servant, himself a future outcast: leprosy which defiles comes into contact with the one who … [Read more...] about Newsletter 15.02.15.
Newsletter 08.02.15.
There are times when we can sympathise with Job in today’s first reading. He maintains that a man’s life is ‘nothing more than pressed service….hired drudgery’! For too many people, especially those trapped in an unjust society or an unfulfilling job, his words will find an echo. In the Gospel we see a very different picture: energy, activity, purpose. Jesus travels all through … [Read more...] about Newsletter 08.02.15.
Newsletter 08.02.15.
There are times when we can sympathise with Job in today’s first reading. He maintains that a man’s life is ‘nothing more than pressed service….hired drudgery’! For too many people, especially those trapped in an unjust society or an unfulfilling job, his words will find an echo. In the Gospel we see a very different picture: energy, activity, purpose. Jesus travels all through … [Read more...] about Newsletter 08.02.15.