You have probably noticed that I am making the parish newsletter more of a letter than simply a diary of forthcoming events - putting the letter back into newsletter in fact! The challenge is to get more people reading the inside pages. But not, of course, during the homily! What strikes me about today’s Gospel reading is that the demonic spirits recognise who Jesus is and … [Read more...] about Newsletter 01.02.15.
Newsletter 25.01.15.
Did you make any New Year resolutions? If so, how well are you doing now that we are four weeks into the year? If you haven’t stayed the course the characters in today’s Mass readings can bring some reassurance. Jonah had great success in persuading the Ninevites to mend their ways - but remember this was his second attempt. The first time he was so afraid that he ran away! St … [Read more...] about Newsletter 25.01.15.
Newsletter 18.01.15.
Dear Friends, The Christmas season has come to an end and the Church turns from white to green as we begin the series of Sundays in Ordinary Time, today being the second Sunday. This year we shall be listening to St Mark’s Gospel at the Sunday Masses. Mark has his own way of revealing the Lord. His Gospel has no great literary style and the Jesus he describes is rugged and … [Read more...] about Newsletter 18.01.15.
Newsletter 11.01.15.
Dear Friends, It is now four months since I arrived in the parish and I thought I would write in a more personal way in this newsletter. Think of this as a non-episcopal pastoral letter! Moving house is difficult especially when it means leaving behind colleagues and friendships that have matured over the years. A priest has ‘no abiding city’, at least in this life, and … [Read more...] about Newsletter 11.01.15.
Newsletter 04.01.15.
A WARM WELCOME TO ALL OUR VISITORS - And a very Happy New Year! Thank you for joining us for our Mass, we hope you are enjoying your stay in Norfolk. Do join us for coffee after Mass and meet some of our parishioners. You may like to use a gift-aid envelope for your collection, available at the back of the church. Thank you. TODAY we are celebrating the Solemnity of the … [Read more...] about Newsletter 04.01.15.