A WARM WELCOME TO ALL OUR VISITORS who may be with us this weekend. Do feel free to stay for coffee after Mass. “One off” gift-aid envelopes for your collection are available at the back of the church for those who would like to use them. Thank you. NEXT SUNDAY we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King, the final Sunday of the Church’s year. It is also Youth Sunday and … [Read more...] about Newsletter 16.11.14.
Newsletter 09.11.14.
A WARM WELCOME TO ALL OUR VISITORS who may be with us this weekend. Do feel free to stay for coffee after Mass. “One off” gift-aid envelopes for your collection are available at the back of the church for those who would like to use them. Thank you. TODAY the cycle of Ordinary Sundays is interrupted by the Feast of the Dedication of the Basilica of St John Lateran. Why … [Read more...] about Newsletter 09.11.14.
Newsletter 02.11.14.
A WARM WELCOME TO ALL OUR VISITORS who may be with us this weekend. Do feel free to stay for coffee after Mass. “One off” gift-aid envelopes for your collection are available at the back of the church for those who would like to use them. Thank you. TODAY we celebrate All Saints Day, transferred from the Saturday (1st November) to the Sunday. A 2nd collection will be taken … [Read more...] about Newsletter 02.11.14.
Newsletter 19.10.14.
A WARM WELCOME TO ALL OUR VISITORS. Do feel free to stay for coffee after Mass. “One off” gift-aid envelopes for your collection are available at the back of the church for those who would like to use them. Thank you. Today is World Mission Day: there will be a second collection for the Association for the Propagation of the Faith. For those who pay tax, special envelopes … [Read more...] about Newsletter 19.10.14.
Newsletter 12.10.14.
A WARM WELCOME TO ALL OUR VISITORS. Do feel free to stay for coffee after Mass. “One off” gift-aid envelopes for your collection are available at the back of the church for those who would like to use them. Thank you. Today is Prison Sunday: please take a card from the porch to see how you can help. The Rosary is said before Mass each Sunday in October; at 10.30 am at the … [Read more...] about Newsletter 12.10.14.