Dear Friends, Today we begin the diocesan programme Faithful Stewards of God’s Gifts which will run over three weekends. Father James Ascension Day is on Thursday of this week and it is a Holy Day of Obligation. Next Sunday is World Communications Day- there will be a retiring collection for the Catholic Communications Network. Just a reminder. The Diocesan … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 22.05.22
Dear Friends, The mysterious yet beautiful vision of John in the Book of the Apocalypse is about the fulfilment of God’s promises: ‘now I am making the whole of creation new’. The story of salvation is achieved through the death and resurrection of the Lord opening the way for a ‘new creation’. We witness to this by the new law of love that Jesus has given us. Today we … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 15.05.22
Sent from Mail for Windows Dear Friends, The image of the shepherd who faithfully tends his sheep has a long history in the Bible. In today’s Gospel reading Jesus identifies himself as the good shepherd who leads his flock. We listen to his voice and trustingly follow him wherever he leads us. Father James This weekend there will be a Second … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 08.05 22
Dear Friends, Jesus appears to his disciples at the lake of Galilee. It is an important moment in the growth of their Easter faith. The amazing catch of fish is a powerful sign of their future apostolate which will be made effective by the risen Christ. Peter, in spite of his moment of weakness, is re-affirmed as their leader. Jesus repeats his … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 01.05.22
Dear Friends, During Eastertide we celebrate the Risen Christ. We hear about the different ways in which Jesus met with his disciples. Today’s Gospel describes two appearances of the Lord after his resurrection and the reactions of the Apostles. Thomas wants to touch the Lord as well as to see him. When he does he makes his own distinctive and uncompromising act of … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 24.04.22