Dear Friends, Today’s Gospel tells the story of the wedding feast at Cana. John never uses the word ‘miracle’; instead he writes about the ‘signs’ that tell us about who Jesus is. The image of wine is often used in the scriptures: the sheer extravagance of the quantity (about 120 gallons) is a sign of God’s generosity. The event itself is a sign because it points to Jesus … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 16.01.22
Dear Friends, Today we celebrate the feast of the baptism of Jesus. After 30 years of hidden growth Jesus, the sinless one, accepts the baptism of John, a doorway through which he passes in search of sinners. He will share in their lot and redirect a fallen world on its true course towards God. For us it is an opportunity to reflect on our own baptism and to renew our … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 09.01.21
Dear Friends, We are still in the Christmas period and today’s Gospel is the same as on Christmas morning - the Prologue to St John’s Gospel. Jesus, the Word of God, comes among us quietly and humbly. To all who accept him God gives the gift of becoming his adopted children. This gift we receive at our baptism. I shall be away for a few days this coming week. Thursday is … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 02.01.22
Dear Friends, Today we reflect on the family in which Jesus was born and grew up. At the age of twelve a Jewish boy comes of age and is personally responsible before the law. Jesus is aware of his future mission and fully able to debate with his elders. He also anticipates his Easter destiny - lost but found again on the third day in his Father’s house. We are … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 26.12.21
Dear Friends, Today is the last Sunday in Advent. In the Gospel reading Luke gives us a vivid picture of the meeting of Mary and Elizabeth. The salvation so long expected throughout the history of Israel and foretold by the prophets has now come about. They, together with John the Baptist, are fulfilling the will of God, each part of the eternal plan of … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 19.12.21