Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord. Today we begin Holy Week, the high point of the Church’s year. The Gospel today is Mark’s account of the Passion of Jesus. His narrative is the most bleak of the four evangelists. Jesus is abandoned by everyone, abused by the chief priests and the soldiers and mocked by soldiers, passers-by and both criminals on the cross. It is the … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 28.03.01
5th Sunday of Lent. Today’s Gospel reading points forward to the Passion of Jesus. The request of the Greeks ‘we want to see Jesus’ continues the theme of personal encounter with the Lord that we find throughout the Gospel. Jesus will include them, as he does us, in his words ‘I shall draw all men to myself’. Tuesday, 23rd March will be a national Day of Reflection to … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 21.03.21
4th Sunday of Lent. As we move closer to Holy Week and Easter today’s Gospel gives us a pointer to these events. Jesus will be ‘lifted up’ on the cross, raised to life at the resurrection and ascend to his Father. All this is to reveal God’s love for the world: the cross is a powerful sign of this. As in previous years all three communities will come together to celebrate … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 14.03.21
3rd Sunday of Lent. In today’s Gospel reading we hear how Jesus throws the vendors and money-changers out of the Temple. In the light of Easter (for which Lent is a time of preparation) this prophetic act tells us about who Jesus is and the nature of the good news which he proclaimed. From now on the privileged place of meeting between God and man is no longer the Temple but … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 07.02.21
2nd Sunday of Lent. We began our Lenten journey in the desert. Today we are taken up a high mountain to encounter Moses and Elijah. These are key figures in the history of salvation and they symbolise the Law and the Prophets. We also see Jesus who is momentarily revealed in his glory as the Son of God. Today there is a retiring collection for CAFOD – a good way of … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 28.02.21