3rd Sunday of Advent 2020: Gaudete Sunday.13th –19th December.It might seem ironic that the name of this Sunday is Gaudete – Rejoice when we are in the middle of a pandemic. Yet the liturgy has the power to lift us out of our immediate concerns to prepare for the wonder of the Incarnation that we will soon be celebrating. Today’s Gospel focuses on John the Baptist. ‘Who is this … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 12.12.02
2nd Sunday of Advent 2020. 6th –12th December.Today’s reading from the prophet Isaiah is a promise of rescue and restoration to a people in exile. That promise will be fulfilled with the arrival of a time of salvation for all people in the person of the Messiah. What is promised in Isaiah is made present in Jesus. Today we hear the beginning of Mark’s Gospel. As we travel … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 06.12.20
1st Sunday of Advent 2020.29th November –5th December.Advent is a time of preparation, conversion and renewal. Pope Francis encourages us as we enter into the season: ‘Advent, a time of grace, tells us that it is not enough to believe in God; it is necessary to purify our faith every day’. In today’s first reading Isaiah says: ‘O that you would tear the heavens open and come … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 29.11.20
34th Week in Ordinary Time 2020 Solemnity of Christ the King. 22nd–28th November. This Sunday, the last in the Church’s year, we celebrate the feast of Christ the King. His sovereignty is not over temporal affairs. It is more about his hidden existence in the poor and the humble. He is the defender and protector of their rights. We must love God and mankind to the end, but … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 22.11.20
33rd Week in Ordinary Time 2020. 15th –21st November. In today’s Gospel Matthew narrates the parable of the talents. The servant who buries his talent is described as wicked and lazy. It may be that Matthew is directing this parable to a Christian community that had become complacent. He is urging the faithful to embrace the life of the Gospel with energy and … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 15.11.20