20th Week in Ordinary Time 202016th - 22th August Today we celebrate the feast of the Assumption of Our Lady. The Gospel reading shows her willingness to be a vital link in the unfolding of God’s rescue package for mankind. At the end of her life she shared her son’s victory over death – as, one day, we shall also.Last Tuesday we learnt the sad news of the death of Deacon … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 16.08.20
19th Week in Ordinary Time9th – 15th AugustToday’s first reading and the Gospel focus on the same theme: the massive forces of nature are under God’s control who has care for his people. Peter receives a personal invitation: ‘Come’. As so often in the Gospels Peter is portrayed as the one who responds to Jesus, yet his faith is shown to be inadequate. He is the one who is named … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 09.08.20
18th Week in Ordinary Time 20202nd - 9th August Two key words in today’s Gospel are compassion and food. Jesus shows his compassion for the people who came flocking to him. He feeds them with his teaching and then with a superabundance of food. The event has echoes of the manna God provided for the people in the desert: it also looks forward to the Last Supper and beyond to … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 02.08
17th Week in Ordinary Time 2020King Solomon asked for the gift of wisdom. Jesus describes this wisdom in terms of a treasure for which one is prepared to give up everything else. This treasure is the kingdom of God – the presence and reign of God in the world which gives shape and direction to our lives. In calling us to follow him Jesus gives us entry into this kingdom. If we … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 26.07.20
16th Week in Ordinary Time 2020 In today’s Gospel we hear more parables. Again the theme is sowing and the growth of the seed. These are parables about the kingdom of God: they reveal its first beginnings as well as its growth. Like the mustard seed the kingdom has lowly beginnings but reaches out to the whole world.We are getting used to wearing face coverings in church as … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 19.07.20