Dear Friends, The phrase “do not be afraid” is written 365 times in the Bible. That's a daily reminder from God to live every day being fearless. We celebrated on Thursday 22nd June, the feast of the two great English Saints, John Fisher and Thomas More and on the 24th June, one of the greatest saints, John the Baptist. These saints lived their … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 25.06.23
Dear Friends, “I need nothing but God, and to lose myself in the heart of Jesus." The readings for 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A, call us to look for how God is working in our lives. In the first reading the Israelites are reminded that God led them out of Egypt. The Psalm tells us that God cares for … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 18.06.23
Dear Friends, “The Eucharist is truly a glimpse of heaven appearing on earth.” This day is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. The readings for Corpus Christi Year A focus on the Eucharist. We are reminded that God cared for the Israelites by providing manna. By receiving Holy Communion, we are spiritually fed and united in each … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 11.06.23
Dear Friends, “Rise, you who were lying fast asleep…..Rise and hurry to the Church: here is the Father, here is the Son, here is the Holy Spirit.” Today’s feast invites us to live in the awareness of the presence of the Triune God within us: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The mystery of the most Holy Trinity is a basic doctrine of Faith … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 04.06.23
Dear Friends, Today we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost. The readings describe how the Holy Spirit is poured out as a gift to the apostles. In their fearful hiding place they were transformed into a cohesive brotherhood jubilantly singing God’s praises and eager to proclaim his saving work. It marks the birthday of the Church, a new humanity, … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 28.05.23