Dear Friends, In this last Sunday of Eastertide the Church prepares for the Holy Spirit. In his prayer before his Passion Jesus reveals his own mystery as the one sent by God and of his mission among men. Father Peter will be returning from his annual leave in India next Friday. It has been a pleasure to supply in his absence. My address is: Rainbow … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 21.05.23
Dear Friends, Today’s first reading and Gospel are preparing us to celebrate the feast of Pentecost in two weeks time. Jesus promises that, although he will go away, his disciples will not be left as orphans because the life of Christ is shared with them. The Holy Spirit will be given to them to strengthen them in their faith and to help them face the hostility and … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 14.05.23
Dear Friends, As Christians we believe, not in a remote mysterious divine being, but in one who is revealed in the face of Jesus Christ. In the readings last Sunday Jesus speaks of himself as a shepherd who guides his flock, protects them when they are threatened and feeds them when they are hungry. In today’s Gospel he tells us that he is the Way to the Father, … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 07.05.23
Newsletter 30.04.23
Dear Friends, As I enjoy the warm weather and the tranquillity of the vast ocean before me, I continue to thank the Almighty for my vocation and for all the people entrusted to my care. Today is called Good Shepherd Sunday, and appropriately, this day is also the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Today, the Church calls us to reflect on the meaning of God’s call for … [Read more...] about Newsletter 30.04.23
Newsletter 23.04.23
Dear Parishioners, In my priestly life, I have met many people who told me that the story of the disciples going to Emmaus is one of their favourite Bible stories and I certainly include it in my list of favourite ten New Testament Stories. Why? Because it is such a human story. It is about ordinary, everyday disappointments and ordinary discoveries of God in our lives. … [Read more...] about Newsletter 23.04.23