Dear Friends, Humility recognises we are flawed, both by personal sin and by contamination by the sin of the world. We need to be forgiven and healed. We cannot save ourselves. God loved us enough to save us. This is love, not that we loved God but that God loved us while we were still sinners and sent Jesus to take away our sins. God loves us this without imposing upon us … [Read more...] about Newsletter 28.08.22
Dear Friends, In today’s Gospel Jesus promises that people from across the globe will enter the kingdom of God and sit at table with patriarchs and prophets. But many of those to whom the prophets and patriarchs were sent will find themselves outside. Many of his hearers failed to recognise who he was and did not hear his message. On Monday, 26th September Bishop Alan … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 21.08.22
Newsletter 14.08.22
Dear Friends, The feast of the Assumption is a great affirmation of the special place of Mary in the unfolding of God’s work of salvation. In the first reading there is an extraordinary contrast between two signs - a pregnant woman and a fearsome dragon bent on destroying her child. Yet the woman and her child are saved; the evil that the dragon represents is defeated to … [Read more...] about Newsletter 14.08.22
Newsletter 07/08/22
Dear Friends, Today’s Gospel is about the second coming of Jesus at the end of time - an expectation that was very real in the early church but which has lost much of its immediacy in our own age. What we call the Second Coming of Christ is shrouded in mystery. We do not know when or how it will take place. This does not mean that it will not happen. All we do know is that … [Read more...] about Newsletter 07/08/22
Newsletter 31/07/22
Dear Friends, Where do we look for security? Today’s first reading tells us that it is not in ourselves or in our own resources. The Gospel reading tells us that it is not found in wealth (‘the good harvest’). Of course we need a roof over our heads and food on the table. But there is a deeper kind of security: that of the soul. St Paul gives the answer: our lives must be … [Read more...] about Newsletter 31/07/22