Dear Friends, Today’s readings help us to explore prayer and especially how we should be persistent in prayer. To pray is not to impose our will on God, but to ask him to make us available to his will, to his plan of salvation for the world. To pray is not to change God but to allow God to change us, to form us as his children. Note the repeated use of ‘always’. God is … [Read more...] about Newsletter 24/07/2022
Newsletter 17/07/22
Dear Friends, Today’s Gospel reading describes the different ways in which Martha ands Mary welcomed Jesus. Both women offer Jesus hospitality . The ‘one thing necessary’ is to listen to the word of Jesus and to put it into practice. We welcome Father Denys Lloyd who has kindly agreed to celebrate the Masses this weekend. Father James The Annual General Meeting of … [Read more...] about Newsletter 17/07/22
Newsletter 10/07/22
Dear Friends, The Parable of the Good Samaritan speaks to everyone whether they have faith or not. ‘Go and do the same yourself’, Jesus tells us. After Mass today Hilary Bolger’s ashes will be interred in the Memorial Garden at North Walsham. Everyone is welcome to attend. I will be away for a week from Tuesday. Fr Denys Lloyd has kindly agreed to celebrate the Masses … [Read more...] about Newsletter 10/07/22
Newsletter 03/07/2022
Dear Friends, We all like to know where our next meal is coming from and where we will spend the night. The disciples that Jesus sent out knew neither of these. They were totally dependent on providence - not a position anyone likes to be in. They come back rejoicing because all they needed was provided. Their faith in the Lord was vindicated. We too need to be prepared to … [Read more...] about Newsletter 03/07/2022
Newsletter 26 06 2022
Dear Friends, In today’s secular society to be a person of faith is regarded as rather like having a hobby or a pastime: something private and personal. But it is clear from today’s Gospel reading that to be a disciple of Christ is much more than a hobby or something to be taken lightly. Our faith cannot be just one aspect of our lives; it is something that underpins every … [Read more...] about Newsletter 26 06 2022