Dear Friends, In today’s Gospel reading St Luke joins together the call of the first disciples and the miraculous catch of fish. The ministry of Jesus and the mission of the Church are intimately bound together. The light of salvation shines on the world, and the first Christian community, born on the day of Pentecost, preaches the Gospel. Jesus sends his followers as … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 06.02.22
Dear Friends, St Paul writes about the place of love in every Christian community. He sees it as much more that just a warm sentiment or even being ‘in love’. He uses the Greek word agape to describe this kind of loving. It reflects the love that God has for us - totally self-giving even sacrificial. We see this in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus - the … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 30.02.22
Dear Friends, While we are individuals we are also social beings. We are called to a personal relationship with Christ but that relationship requires membership of his Body the Church. In our churches the Word of God is proclaimed week after week announcing the presence of the One who is the Word. We are planning to begin the Confirmation course soon. Enrolment forms can … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 23.01.22
Dear Friends, Today’s Gospel tells the story of the wedding feast at Cana. John never uses the word ‘miracle’; instead he writes about the ‘signs’ that tell us about who Jesus is. The image of wine is often used in the scriptures: the sheer extravagance of the quantity (about 120 gallons) is a sign of God’s generosity. The event itself is a sign because it points to Jesus … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 16.01.22
Dear Friends, Today we celebrate the feast of the baptism of Jesus. After 30 years of hidden growth Jesus, the sinless one, accepts the baptism of John, a doorway through which he passes in search of sinners. He will share in their lot and redirect a fallen world on its true course towards God. For us it is an opportunity to reflect on our own baptism and to renew our … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 09.01.21