Dear Friends, Today’s readings are about how deeply our faith affects our lives and actions. St James states bluntly that jealousy, ambition and in-fighting have no place in a Christian community. They even existed among the Apostles. They failed to see who Jesus was; they were too busy arguing about who was the greatest! Jesus uses a child as an example of those who have no … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 19.09.21
Dear Friends, ‘Who is this man?’ people asked each other. Some saw him as a rebel, a troublemaker, even as one possessed by the devil. Others saw him as a prophet. Peter says that Jesus is the Christ, the liberator who would save the nation. But what kind of liberation? When Jesus discloses that his destiny will lead him to the cross Peter cannot understand or accept … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 12.09.21
Dear Friends, In today’s first reading we hear Isaiah’s powerful imagery of the promised liberation and healing of the needy. This is realised in Mark’s account of the healing miracle of Jesus. The promised times of liberation have arrived in the person of Jesus. Next weekend Fr Denys Lloyd will be here to celebrate the weekend Masses in my absence. I shall be away … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 05.09.21
Dear Friends, Today’s Gospel is about integrity of life, purity of heart and the free commitment of our lives to God. If our hearts are pure then so will be our lives. On Saturday we celebrated the feast of St Augustine. We can identify with his prayer: ‘Let me come to you wholly, and grasp your hand with my whole heart that you may deliver me from every temptation, even to … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 29.08.21
Dear Friends, Jesus has just used very graphic imagery of eating the flesh of the Son of Man and drinking his blood. This would have been shocking to his Jewish hearers. Even some of his disciples find it ’intolerable language’ and they leave him. It is Peter who speaks for the apostles with a declaration of loyalty and faith in Jesus. God bless Father … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 22.08.21