Dear Friends, Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of Our Lady. ‘Of all women you are the most blessed’’. The words of Elizabeth express the place of Mary in the history of salvation. Because she was linked so closely to the redeeming incarnation of the Son of God, Mary also shared in his resurrection. Today’s feast celebrates the transition of Our Lady to be … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 15.08.21
Dear Friends The rejection of Jesus by his neighbours is based on his origins: 'we know his father and mother'. John presents Jesus' origins at the beginning of his gospel: 'In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God'. The complaints of the crowd echo the complaints of the Hebrews in the Exodus against Moses and Aaron who were chosen by God to lead Israel … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 08.08.21
NEWSLETTER 01.08.2021
Dear Friends, In today’s Gospel reading the people are looking for more free meals! If God provided food for their ancestors in the desert why can’t Jesus do the same for them? Jesus tells them that the manna was only a temporary measure. God is now offering something far more substantial: it will be food for the world that will last for ever. And that food, Jesus tells … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 01.08.2021
Dear Friends, The Gospel readings for the next four Sundays speak of Jesus as the Bread of Life. Today we hear the account of the multiplication of the loaves - an echo of Elisha’s promise in the first reading that his fellow prophets will not go hungry. John, writing for the early Christian community, uses eucharistic language. Jesus accepts the offerings of the young boy. … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 25.07.21
Dear Friends, The disciples come back to their Master from their missionary travels: he alone can give meaning to their lives, substance to their words and an added dimension to their labours. Surely a time for rest and recollection. But by taking pity on the crowds Jesus shows two things: his own tenderness for the people and the total commitment that he asks of his … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 18.07.21