33rd Week in Ordinary Time 2020. 15th –21st November. In today’s Gospel Matthew narrates the parable of the talents. The servant who buries his talent is described as wicked and lazy. It may be that Matthew is directing this parable to a Christian community that had become complacent. He is urging the faithful to embrace the life of the Gospel with energy and … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 15.11.20
32nd Week in Ordinary Time 2020. Sunday: Remembrance Sunday.8th –14th November. Wisdom is the theme that runs through today’s readings. In the Gospel Jesus exhorts his listeners to ‘stay awake’. In fact, all the bridesmaids fall asleep, the wise as well as the foolish. The difference is that the wise have the oil they had the foresight to obtain in order to welcome the … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 8.11.20
31st Week in Ordinary Time 2020. 1st –7th November.Sunday: Solemnity of All Saints.Today we celebrate the holiness of ordinary people. To be a saint is to be loved by God and to love God. That love carries an extraordinary promise: ‘we shall be like him because we shall see him as he really is’.If you wish to attend a Sunday Mass you will need to book a place with the … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 01.11.20
30th Week in Ordinary Time 2020 25th –31st October. Today’s Gospel reminds us that our faith is not just an abstract theory; it is a practical reality. Jesus brings together the two great commandments: the love of God is closely linked with love of neighbour. It is a religious duty to care for the poor and safeguard the vulnerable.If you wish to attend a Sunday Mass you … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 25.10.20
29th Week in Ordinary Time 2020 18th –24th October. People of our time tend to separate out the secular from the religious. But this is a recent perception. For Isaiah it is normal for God, who has enabled the pagan Cyrus, an effective and powerful ruler, to come to power ‘for the sake of my servant Jacob’. Through him the exiles will return home and rebuild Jerusalem and … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 18.10.20