“Life is the sum of all your choices.”The main theme of today’s readings is that Christian life is a series of daily choices for God or against God, as we choose to live out or reject the truths He has revealed through His prophets in the Old Testament and especially through His Son Jesus in the New Testament. The readings remind us that the fundamental choice we make … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 25.08.24
Newsletter 18.08.24
Our happiness depends on wisdom all the way.” On the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B, the readings call us to live with wisdom and understanding. They encourage us to seek true nourishment from Jesus, the bread of life, and to live in a way that pleases God. The 1st reading from Proverbs invites us to leave behind foolishness and choose the way of understanding. … [Read more...] about Newsletter 18.08.24
Newsletter 11.08.24
“Jesus is the bread of life. Life is found in Him.” We continue to hear the “Bread of Life” discourse from the sixth chapter of the Gospel of John; we reflect on how our spiritual health is renewed by the frequent and worthy reception of Holy Communion. We are what we eat! We live in a world where people of all races and creeds are in need of more spiritual … [Read more...] about Newsletter 11.08.24
“Our bodily food is changed into us, but our spiritual food changes us into it.” The readings for the 18th Sunday in Ordinary time Year B remind us of God’s care, the call to renew our lives, and the importance of seeking spiritual nourishment. Through these reflections, we can deepen our understanding of God’s love and our response to it. In John’s Gospel, Jesus … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 04.08.24
NEWLETTER 28.07.24
“No one has ever become poor by giving.” The Scripture readings on the 17th Sunday in Ordinary time Year B invite us to become humble instruments in God’s hands by sharing our blessings with our needy brothers and sisters. The focus is on hunger and food and how we can satisfy the deeper hunger of our life. Generosity and Sharing: The man who brought loaves to … [Read more...] about NEWLETTER 28.07.24