In today's Gospel Jesus describes the mystery and the reality of loving. We need to read it with todays second reading in mind. For Christians love has God as its source and inspiration because, as John tells us, God is love. Jesus reveals the depth of his love for his disciples and how he is united to them in a similar way to his love for the Father. When the disciples love … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 05.05.24
In today's Gospel Jesus uses the image of the vine to illustrate the uniquely close relationship that he offers us. He is the true vine. No one can bear fruit for God unless he is in Jesus and Jesus is in him, bound together in a mutual love which is the only guarantee of fruitfulness. 'I in you and you in me' is the theme of this Gospel reading. We, the branches of the vine, … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 28.04.24
This 4th Sunday in Eastertide is also called Good Shepherd Sunday. We can understand why when we read today's Gospel. Jesus speaks of himself as the good shepherd in contrast to many of the Jewish religious leaders for whom the sheep meant little or nothing. He cares for his sheep, defends them against all manner of threats even to the extent of laying down his life for them. … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 21.04.24
After the Resurrection Jesus appears several times to his disciples. In today’s Gospel he allows himself to be touched by them, to eat before their eyes in order to convince them that he is the same Lord they had known now restored to life. He is present in a way that is somehow different yet the same.We can imagine how joyful they were after the brutal experience of Calvary. … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 14.04.24
During these Sundays in Eastertide we hear how the news of the Risen Lord spread among his disciples. Today it is the apostle Thomas who is confronted with what he hardly dares to hope - that the Master is alive, no longer bound by the constraints of death. When he finally comes face to face with Jesus and sees for himself the marks of his Passion all his fears and hesitations … [Read more...] about NEWSLETTER 07.04.24