PRESENT: Fr James Walsh, Richard McGreevy (St Helen’s), (Chair), Antonia Martinez (Sacred Heart), Becky Walker (Sacred Heart), Keith Copperwheat (St John of the Cross), Ginny Keane (St John of the Cross), Peter Rylands (St Helen’s), John Bolger (Pastoral Assistant), Catherine Watkins (Secretary) APOLOGIES: Sue Short. Sue has offered her resignation from the PPC, feeling she … [Read more...] about Minutes of PPC Meeting held on 7 December 2021
Minutes of PPC meeting of 7 September 2021
PARISH OF THE SACRED HEART – PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held on TUESDAY 7 SEPTEMBER 2021 at 7.30pm PRESENT: Fr James Walsh, Richard McGreevy (St Helen’s), (Chair), Antonia Martinez (Sacred Heart), Becky Walker (Sacred Heart), Keith Copperwheat (St John of the Cross), Peter Rylands (St Helen’s), John Bolger (Pastoral Assistant), Catherine Watkins … [Read more...] about Minutes of PPC meeting of 7 September 2021
Minutes of PPC Meeting 25 May 2021
PARISH OF THE SACRED HEART – PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL PRESENT: Fr James Walsh, Richard McGreevy (St Helen’s), (Chair), Antonia Martinez (Sacred Heart), Keith Copperwheat (St John of the Cross), John Bolger (Pastoral Assistant), Catherine Watkins (Secretary) We welcomed Sandra Portas, a visitor from the Diocese who would be addressing the meeting on the item “Faithful … [Read more...] about Minutes of PPC Meeting 25 May 2021
PPC Minutes 13.10.20
PARISH OF THE SACRED HEART – PARISH PASTORAL COUNCILMinutes of the Meeting held on TUESDAY 13 OCTOBER 2020 at 7.30pm PRESENT: Fr James Walsh, Richard McGreevy (St Helen’s), (Chair), Antonia Martinez (Sacred Heart), Keith Copperwheat (St John of the Cross), Catherine Watkins (Secretary) APOLOGIES: John Bolger, Ginny Keane, Grazyna Skawinska, Elaine Haughton, Peter Rylands, … [Read more...] about PPC Minutes 13.10.20
PPC Minutes 14 01 2020
PARISH OF THE SACRED HEART – PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held on TUESDAY 14 JANUARY 2020 at 7.30pm PRESENT: Fr James Walsh, Richard McGreevy (Chair), Antonia Martinez, Peter Rylands, John Bolger, Elaine Haughton, Grazyna Skawinska, Ginny Keane, Rebecca Walker, Keith Copperwheat, Sue Short, Catherine Watkins (Secretary) APOLOGIES: … [Read more...] about PPC Minutes 14 01 2020