PARISH OF THE SACRED HEART – PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Minutes of the extraordinary meeting held on TUESDAY 2nd AUGUST 2016 PRESENT: Father James Walsh, John Bolger, Hilary Bolger, Robert Hardie, Frances Green, Frances Dickerson and Secretary Clare Hardie APOLOGIES: Deacon Ron O’Toole, Agnieska Gabriel, Michael Haughton, Mary Edmonds, Chris Falla, Adrian Rudman, Carol … [Read more...] about Minutes of Extraordinary PPC Meeting – 2nd August 2016
PPC Minutes 28th June 2016
PARISH OF THE SACRED HEART – PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting held on TUESDAY 28th JUNE 2016 PRESENT: Father James Walsh, Deacon Ron O’Toole, John Bolger, Hilary Bolger, Adrian Rudman, Mary Edmonds, Carol Shippey, Robert Hardie, Frances Green, Chris Falla, Michael Haughton, Frances Dickerson and Secretary Clare Hardie APOLOGIES: Agnieska Gabriel and … [Read more...] about PPC Minutes 28th June 2016
Annual Parish Meeting – 8th May 2016
PARISH OF THE SACRED HEART - ANNUAL PARISH MEETING MONDAY 9TH MAY 2016 The Annual Parish Meeting was held in the Parish Hall at North Walsham and was well attended by approximately 60 parishioners. A delicious 2 course meal was generously provided by parishioners from Sacred Heart, North Walsham and St. John of the Cross in Aylsham. Fr. James began with Grace before … [Read more...] about Annual Parish Meeting – 8th May 2016
PPC Minutes 19th April 2016
PARISH OF THE SACRED HEART – PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting held on TUESDAY 19th APRIL 2016 PRESENT: Father James Walsh, John Bolger, Hilary Bolger, Adrian Rudman, Mary Edmonds, Carol Shippey, Robert Hardie, Frances Green, Chris Falla, Michael Haughton and Secretary Clare Hardie APOLOGIES: Agnieska Gabriel, Deacon Ron O’Toole, Frances Dickerson Fr. … [Read more...] about PPC Minutes 19th April 2016
PPC Minutes – 22nd September 2015
PARISH OF THE SACRED HEART – PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting held on TUESDAY 22nd SEPTEMBER 2015 PRESENT: Father James Walsh, Terry McIlwee, John Bolger, Hilary Bolger, Adrian Rudman, Mary Edmonds, Michael Haughton, Chris Falla APOLOGIES: Carol Shippey, Jayne Randall, Agnieszka Gabriel, Teresa Butler and Deacon Ron O’Toole Fr. James began the meeting … [Read more...] about PPC Minutes – 22nd September 2015