Wonderful Bon Pchum celebration on Friday night 26th. Nearly 70 pairs of shoes outside the door showed how much people from the parish and the Diocese joined in the spirit of the occasion!! On a more serious note, it was great to have Fr Mark Hackeson to lead us [with an impressive command of the Khmer language!!] in remembrance of all those who have died but are still very … [Read more...] about Celebrating the Ancestors!
Jesuits Celebrate St Ignatius!
Jesuits gathered at the end of July to celebrate the Feast of St Ignatius Loyola, founder of the order. Also honoured were two other great Jesuits, St Francis Xavier and St Peter Faber and a new sculpture commemorating all three saints was unveiled at the Diocesan Centre in Battambang. As the pictures show, the Cambodian church really knows how to celebrate! … [Read more...] about Jesuits Celebrate St Ignatius!
Mother of Peace Student House, Poipet
Mother of Peace Student House, run by the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Poipet [for more about this see 'Focus on Pongro & Poipet' blog below] now have a great Facebook Page. Lots of excellent pictures illustrate the wonderful work being done with the girls here. Support Cambodia will be sponsoring 3 girls here in 2015 but if anyone wanted to help, maybe … [Read more...] about Mother of Peace Student House, Poipet
End of Year at Svay Sisophon
Students at the church centre in Svay celebrated the end of their academic year with a meeting, presentations and a party. Thanks and well done to all the staff, especially Fr Rajat and Teacher Saory and “goodbye, good luck, happiness and success” to all the leavers. Our prayers go with you. … [Read more...] about End of Year at Svay Sisophon
…..And Better…and Better….
Unbelievably, the money for the 2nd well at Phnom Prier has materialised from nowhere!!!!! Two separate donations, each of £400, plus £250 already in hand from a third donor, means that there is now enough money for both wells to be sunk when the weather/work schedules allow. The Lord certainly works in very mysterious ways!!! Deo gratias! … [Read more...] about …..And Better…and Better….