Dear Friends, ‘’What do you want me to do for you?’ Jesus asks the blind man. This question is put to every man and woman. In a world where so many desperately seek healing, meaning and purpose, there have always been those who, like Bartimaeus, are prepared to acknowledge their need and rejoicing have ‘followed him along the road’. We are planning to begin classes for … [Read more...] about Newsletter 03 11 2018
Newsletter 02.09.18.
Dear Friends Today’s readings all speak about the Word of God. In the Old Testament it is revealed in the Law that God gave his people to set them apart from their pagan neighbours and to give them moral guidance. St James tells us to ‘submit to the word which has been planted in you’. In the Gospel Jesus accuses the Pharisees of ‘putting aside the commandments of God’ … [Read more...] about Newsletter 02.09.18.
Newsletter 02.09.18.
Dear Friends Today’s readings all speak about the Word of God. In the Old Testament it is revealed in the Law that God gave his people to set them apart from their pagan neighbours and to give them moral guidance. St James tells us to ‘submit to the word which has been planted in you’. In the Gospel Jesus accuses the Pharisees of ‘putting aside the commandments of God’ - of … [Read more...] about Newsletter 02.09.18.
Dear Friends, Welcome to this Easter Mass which celebrates the central mystery of our faith - the Resurrection of the Lord. The readings today are full of the confident and joyful faith of the early Church. We read about Mary Magdalen who finds the tomb empty. She runs to Peter and John who race to the tomb. Peter enters first so that he could later bear witness to the … [Read more...] about
Newsletter 04.03.18.
Dear Friends, Its been quite a week! We were (just) able to go ahead with the Lenten talk at Hoveton on Tuesday evening before the snow began to close in as we were returning home. By the next day travel was not advised resulting in the cancellation of the parish Masses on Wednesday and Friday mornings. We also spread the news that the deanery Lenten Station Mass at St … [Read more...] about Newsletter 04.03.18.