PARISH OF THE SACRED HEART – PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting held on TUESDAY 6th DECEMBER 2016 PRESENT: Father James Walsh, John Bolger, Adrian Rudman, Robert Hardie, Carol Shippey, Chris Falla, Becky Walker and Secretary Clare Hardie Ginny Keane attended for Item 5 APOLOGIES: Deacon Ron O’Toole, Frances Dickerson, Michael Haughton, Elaine Haughton … [Read more...] about PPC Minutes – 6th December 2016
Parish Celebrates Bon Pchum Ben
Over 60 people from across the Diocese joined Fathers Philip Shryane, Mark Hackeson, John Warrington and James Walsh to unite with our Cambodian friends in remembering our departed loved ones. Flowers by Clare Tuck, readings by Pippa Beard and John Bolger and an Offertory led by the young people of the parish contributed to a beautiful and moving ceremony. Gifts brought will be … [Read more...] about Parish Celebrates Bon Pchum Ben
Students across the Battambang Diocese celebrated the end of the academic year with prize giving and graduations. We wish the outgoing Grade 12 students everywhere, but especially at Svay, 'good luck, good health and success.' At Tampung, near Battambang, prizes for the top students at the Learning Centre were distributed by Father Sophal on the Feast of the Assumption: a bike … [Read more...] about TIME TO CELEBRATE !!
Dear Friends, Today’s readings are looking towards the Sundays to come. Jesus is preparing his followers for his departure (the Ascension) when he tells them: ‘I am going to the Father’. But he also prepares them for two special gifts: the Advocate, the Holy Spirit (Pentecost) and the gift of his peace, a gift that only he, not the world, can give. Meanwhile Jesus and his … [Read more...] about