‘Living in Solidarity with the Poor’
Our first challenge will be a ‘Reverse (slightly early) Advent Calendar’ for the Cromer and Norwich District Food Banks. If you would like to take part you will need to donate one item every day for 25 days in November from the list on the flyers in each church. These are items that the Food Banks really need at this time of the year. You can either fill your own box or bag at home or bring the items into Church and put them in the Food Bank collecting boxes provided. The filled boxes need to be returned to your Church, at the latest, by the weekend of the 4th December so that the Food Banks have time to distribute the food in time for Christmas.
‘Living Sustainably with Creation” – ‘Save Every Drop’
This month we hope to focus on Saving Water. In Laudato Sii, Pope Francis refers to our planet as our sister Mother Earth, and St Francis of Assisi referred to our precious commodity ‘water’ as Sister Water
1. How about using a cup or glass for your water when cleaning your teeth rather than running the tap?
2. Try to have a shower rather than a bath and then limit your shower to 3 minutes.
3. Collect rain water for your garden watering by fitting water butts to as many downpipes as possible.
4. Try using a bucket of water to clean the car rather than the hose.
Each Church has a suggestion box for you to give us your own ideas on these important topics.