PRESENT: Fr Peter Raj (acting Chair), Antonia Martinez (Sacred Heart), Ann Gibbs (Sacred Heart), Peter Rylands (St Helen), Georgiana Rylands (St Helen), Keith Copperwheat (St John of the Cross), Catherine Watkins (Secretary)
OBSERVERS: Becky Walker (Sacred Heart), Neil Boyle (St John of the Cross)
1. APOLOGIES: Shinto Devassy (Sacred Heart), Richard McGreevy (St Helen) (Chair), John Bolger (Parish Pastoral Assistant)
Fr Peter opened the meeting with a prayer.
2. It was agreed to try and finish the meeting by 9.00pm.
3. MINUTES OF THE MEETING: on 6 December 2022 were agreed and signed.
a. Health & Safety Update.
Keith had spoken to Peter Adamson regarding Health & Safety at St John of the Cross – Michael Ludden was Health & Safety rep but wished to stand down so a replacement will need to be found. A fire drill is overdue at St John of the Cross.
Action – Keith
b. Nominations of PPC representatives. Two nominations were needed for replacement representatives at St John of the Cross asJames Ellis and Ginny Keane had both resigned. Nominations had been received for Frances Ludden and Clare Glenn and both were welcomed onto the Council. Fran Ludden agreed to replace Ginny Keane whose term of office was due to end in October 2023, and Clare Glenn agreed to replace James Ellis whose term of office was due to end in October 2025.
c. Faithful Stewards of God’s Gifts – Time, Talent & Treasure. It was agreed that this item could be removed from the Agenda.
d. Trees in the Sacred Heart grounds. This item was complete.
e. Sacred Heart memorial garden – accessibility. It was currently difficult for people in wheelchairs to access the Memorial Garden due to the steep incline of the main approach. Possible solutions were discussed, e.g. concreting a path across the grass to the garden’s side entrance which is the access the undertakers use. This could be included in work to improve fire door egress from the hall. It was noted that as the Sacred Heart Church is a listed building, permission for any changes in the church grounds would need to be obtained from the Historic Churches Committee (contact is Matthew Champion).
f. Parish Twinning. The meeting agreed to continue with the current arrangement whereby the parish kept in touch with our twinned parish of St Francis Xavier in Svay Sisophon. Support is not financial, but the parish is regularly remembered in Prayers of the Faithful and Christmas cards are sent. Fran reported that Katie Maidment had visited Svay Sisophon while she was in Cambodia recently in her role as a trustee of the UK Charity “Support Cambodia”. It was agreed that any decisions about other parish twinning would be put on hold until we know whether the new Bishop had any plans in this direction.
g. Votive lights in the Sacred Heart church. Signs have now been placed on the candle stands requesting payment of 20p per candle.
h. Whole Parish Activities. It was agreed that a bazaar could be held later this year in the Parish Hall, with a Summer Fete being planned for next year. These would be whole parish events and a Social Committee should be formed of volunteers from each of the churches. Fran and Clare offered to begin finding possible volunteers. Cathy to look at available Saturdays.
Action – Fran, Clare, Cathy
Antonia reported that a questionnaire was being drawn up which would be handed to every parishioner for their up-to-date personal details. The correct wording of the Data Protection statement was discussed. Peter offered to advise on wording and agreed to liaise with Antonia.
Action – Antonia, Peter
The hall is available on the afternoon and evening of Sunday 4 June – Cathy to book the hall. It was agreed that a guest speaker should be invited and Antonia suggested Fr Paul Maddison be asked to speak to the meeting about Palestine. It is the turn of St Helen’s parishioners to provide the main course, St John of the Cross parishioners the desserts, and Sacred Heart parishioners have a year off (although they could look after teas and coffees).
Action – Cathy and all Reps
Fr Peter thanked those present for the work they do in support of the parish. Now that the church is in the season of Lent, Stations of the Cross are being said in each of the churches and are well attended. The times of the Easter Triduum services (all at the Sacred Heart) would be –
7.30pm on Maundy Thursday (to be confirmed),
3.00pm on Good Friday
8.00pm on Easter Saturday for the Vigil
Masses on Easter Sunday would be –
9.00am at St John of the Cross
9.00am at St Helen
11.00am at Sacred Heart (Family Mass). Fr Peter said that Kerry would be purchasing eggs for a children’s Easter egg hunt after Mass.
There would be a reconciliation service at each of the churches – 11 March at St Helen,1 April at the Sacred Heart. Father was looking for a priest who would be able to assist with confessions at St John of the Cross. Service times would be published in the newsletter and on the website.
Action – Antonia
He asked that Ministers of the Eucharist who took Communion to the sick could let him have details of those who would like to be visited.
Action – Ministers of the Eucharist
St John of the Cross. A forum meeting had been held. The “warm hub” which had been set up in December had seen a very low attendance and so had been cancelled. Neil Boyle had arranged for a new church notice board. Michael Ludden had spoken to Fr Peter regarding parishioners who are unable to get to Mass.
St Helen. There had been no forum meeting since the last PPC meeting. Mass last Saturday was a celebration of golden and diamond wedding anniversaries for two of the parish’s couples. The idea of a leaflet which could be distributed to newcomers to the area giving details of church services, was discussed. It was felt that this was best approached as a Churches Together project.
Sacred Heart. The car park has been partly resurfaced and potholes levelled with the exit now tarmacked. The tabernacle lock had jammed and a locksmith had removed the door to fix it.
a. The churches seemed to be running low on the Lent Day to Day booklets. More were on order.
b. Neil Boyle reported that those who responded to the first request for assistance for refugees from Ukraine, were now feeling “tired”. Neil said that he would be able to advise anyone who felt they could help in any way.
Tuesday 6 June 2023, 7.15pm for 7.30 at the Sacred Heart Presbytery, North Walsham
Tuesday 5 September 2023, 7.15pm for 7.30 at the Church of St Helen, Hoveton
Tuesday 5 December, 7.15pm for 7.30 at the Church of St John of the Cross, Aylsham
Fr Peter concluded the meeting with a prayer.