PRESENT: Fr Peter Raj, Richard McGreevy (St Helen, Outgoing Chair), Fran Ludden (St John of the Cross), Nick Elphinstone (St John of the Cross), Georgiana Rylands (St Helen), Bruce McKenna (St Helen), Bob Gale (St Helen), Peter McKenna (Sacred Heart), Margaret Burrows (Sacred Heart), John Bolger (Parish Pastoral Assistant), Antonia Martinez (Parish Administrator), Catherine Watkins (Secretary)
1. APOLOGIES: Shinto Devassy (Sacred Heart), Clare Glenn (St John of the Cross)
Fr Peter opened the meeting with a prayer.
2. It was agreed to try and finish the meeting by 9.00pm.
3. Richard welcomed new members of the Council; Nick Elphinstone from St John of the Cross, Bob Gale from St Helen and Peter McKenna from the Sacred Heart. As Richard had completed two terms as a member of the PPC and as Chair, it was time for him to retire. Fran Ludden from St John of the Cross was nominated by Georgiana and the nomination was seconded by Antonia. Fran accepted the nomination which was unanimously agreed by the Council and the Chair was transferred. Richard briefly explained the role of Chair and was free to depart.
Fran asked that the Council select a Vice-Chair as she spent a lot of time away and might not be available to perform all the activities required of the Chair. She nominated Clare Glenn, the nomination was seconded by Cathy and all agreed.
Fran thanked Richard for his work as Chair over the past 6 years.
4. MINUTES OF THE MEETING: on 4 June were agreed and signed.
a. Annual Fire Drills. These were due to be held at all three churches in the next few weeks. Richard had submitted a comment that he was of the opinion that there should not be advance warning given to the congregations, but the meeting felt that the drills would proceed better with a couple of weeks’ warning. It was agreed that two weeks’ warning would be given in the newsletter for each church.
Action – Antonia
b. Advent Services. The situation had been resolved for this year in that St John of the Cross will hold a Taizé service on 1 December, Sacred Heart will hold a Carol service (date TBA).
First Aiders. Fran said that she knew who the first aiders were at St John of the Cross. Antonia agreed to find out who were the first aiders at the Sacred Heart and Georgians agreed to do the same at St Helen’s. The first aid volunteers at St John of the Cross still needed training – Fran said that she would ask Richard for the name of his contact trainer.
Action – Fran, Antonia, Georgiana
The forms had been distributed at each of the churches and were being returned. The information (which is confidential) was being saved electronically in a secure manner.
This was held on Thursday 20 June at 7.00pm in the parish hall. It was felt that the meeting was a success and that the food was good.
Now that Richard had retired from the Council there was no member with contact to the Finance Committee. Fr Peter agreed to ask that the Finance Committee report to the Council each quarter.
Action – Fr Peter
The last Social Committee meeting was held on 24 June. The Committees from all three churches had been amalgamated and Kerry had been invited onto the Committee as it was hoped that the Committee could give her some support for her ideas. The Faith, Food and Fun day was well organised, but not very well attended. Posters have been put up in all three churches, listing future events.
7 September – Cafod Walk in the Woods at Blickling
27 September – Fr Peter’s Bingo Night
5 October – Aylsham Harvest Supper
26 October – Kerry’s Quiz and Chips
7 December – Christmas Bazaar
21 December – Children’s Christmas Party
The next meeting of the Social Committee would be on 9 September.
Action – Social Committee
Father Peter expressed his thanks to the Council for the work they carried out on behalf of the parish and welcomed the new members. He also thanked the outgoing council reps from each of the churches, giving special thanks to Richard McGreevy for the support he had given over his 6 years as Chair of the Council. He expressed his appreciation for the work Peter Rylands and Antonia and others had put in to carrying out the Census. Patronal Feasts had been celebrated at the Sacred Heart and St Helen’s and would be celebrated in December at St John of the Cross. Anointing Masses would be celebrated in each of the churches in the next month. A date would be set shortly for the commissioning and re-commissioning of Eucharistic Ministers, and arrangements would be made for the re-introduction of the administering of Holy Communion under both kinds. He said that Richard had carried out a risk analysis. Fr Peter repeated his request to be notified of sick parishioners who needed visiting, saying that his priority would always be the pastoral care of his parishioners.
St Helen. A Forum had been held which was well attended. The annual Filipino pilgrimage takes place on 22 September. The Filipino community had requested a statue of Our Lady of Penafrancia be installed in the church for devotional purposes and to this end, it had been agreed that the statue of St Joseph would be moved. Dedication of the new shrine at 1.00pm and Festival Mass at 2.00pm. BBC of the Philippines will cover the event. It was hoped that families would come to the church as a result.
Sacred Heart. North Walsham’s Got Talent had been enthusiastically supported by the parishioners from the Sacred Heart but it would have been nice to see parishioners from the other churches. Cathy said that she had been approached about the chain dividers in front of the church, and the lack of visibility. She also said that there were potholes appearing in the car park where cars come into the car park and these could prove to be dangerous for visitors crossing the car park. The car park notices threatening clamping needed to be removed and replaced with one that just said that it was a private car park and that users did so at their own risk. She agreed to approach Peter Brander about these matters. It was agreed that it was time to arrange another forum meeting after Mass on a Sunday. Antonia to prepare an empty agenda to which items could be added. To be placed in the narthex. Fr Peter said that he would be happy to announce a forum once a date had been decided. The issue of speakers for the Narthex to be referred to the Finance Committee.
Action – Antonia, Cathy
St John of the Cross. Katie Maidment is to contact Darren at the Diocese about servicing of the PA system and obtain a quote for the supply of screens for the church to display the words of hymns. The church is in the middle of a fence issue and work will start this week, including an insurance claim.
There had been no progress on the recording of the returns.
Action – Antonia
There had been no progress yet on the appointing of a new safeguarding officer. Fr Peter said that he would look at the census forms and see if there was anyone willing to take this on. Training is given. Currently, Fran was carrying out the role for all three churches. Fr Peter suggested that the issue was raised at the forums.
15. PARKING AT THE SACRED HEART CHURCH This item was not discussed.
a. Friends of the Holy Land. It was agreed that someone should be invited to speak either at the Masses or at an event. The parish twinning with the parish of St Francis Xavier in Cambodia was quite low-key and was limited to prayers and cards at Christmas.
Action – Antonia
b. The New Lectionary. This was due to be introduced at the beginning of Advent. It was suggested that each reader buy an up-to-date Missal. Fran suggested that they look on the Universalis website. The beginning of Advent also sees the beginning of a Holy Year.
c. Forums. It was agreed that each of the churches should hold regular forums in advance of the PPC meeting each quarter.
Action – PPC Reps
Tuesday 10 December, 7.15pm for 7.30 at St John of the Cross, Aylsham
Fr Peter concluded the meeting with a prayer.