PRESENT: Fr Peter Raj, Richard McGreevy (St Helen, Chair), Antonia Martinez (Sacred Heart), Ann Gibbs (Sacred Heart), Shinto Devassy (Sacred Heart), Peter Rylands (St Helen), Georgiana Rylands (St Helen), Clare Glenn (St John of the Cross), Fran Ludden (St John of the Cross), Catherine Watkins (Secretary)
1. APOLOGIES: John Bolger (Parish Pastoral Assistant), Keith Copperwheat (St John of the Cross)
Fr Peter opened the meeting with a prayer.
2. It was agreed to try and finish the meeting by 8.40pm.
3. MINUTES OF THE MEETING: on 28 February 2023 were agreed and signed.
a. Health & Safety Update. A volunteer to be the new Health & Safety rep at St John of the Cross had not been found yet. No fire drill had been carried out as yet – it was stressed that even without a H&S rep, an annual fire drill would need to be carried out.
Action – Fran & Clare
b. Sacred Heart memorial garden – accessibility. The surveyor who carried out the quinquennial inspection is producing some drawings which will be used to apply for a local authority grant towards making the garden more accessible for wheelchair users. Work will be carried out alongside work on hall fire escapes.
c. Whole parish activities. The hall will be booked for 25 November for a Christmas fayre. The recommendation is that a social committee is set up to run this and other activities – one branch in each church, coming together for whole parish activities. To be placed in the parish newsletter ASAP for 3 weeks, and a meeting of the social committee to be arranged. Cathy agreed to look at available Saturdays for a social committee meeting.
Action – whole PPC
d. Parish Census. Fr Peter, Peter Rylands and Antonia were due to meet on 16 June to decide on the setup of the necessary form.
Action – Fr Peter, Peter, Antonia
5. AGM FEEDBACK:It was agreed that the meal had been delicious and that it had been a good social event. However, could consideration be given to holding the event in the afternoon in future, if it was to be on a Sunday? Things to be considered for next year – Is a talk really necessary? Maybe there could be some sort of ice-breaker instead. Could the reports be given at the Masses? Bring your own wine? Next year it would be the turn of North Walsham parishioners to provide the main course, St Helen parishioners the desserts and St John of the Cross parishioners to serve tea & coffee and wash up.
Fr Peter thanked those present for the work they do in support of the parish, and all parish volunteers. It was wonderful to have such a wealth of experience in the parish. He asked whether we usually celebrated out patronal feasts and proposed introducing the practice. The churches of St Helen and St John of the Cross would celebrate on the Wednesdays and Fridays closest to their feasts, and the church of the Sacred Heart would celebrate the feast of the Sacred Heart on Sunday 18 June.
St John of the Cross. Woodworm had been discovered in the chairs. Before lockdown, the parishioners had discussed getting the chairs replaced. At least 8 of the chairs are being burned as they are so badly affected. Where would the money come from – to be raised at the next Finance Committee meeting (30 June). Three quotes will be needed. So far, there has been no progress on the repairs to the vestry window.
St Helen. The lighting on the steps had failed. A quote had been obtained and waiting for the work to be carried out. A new repairer has been found for the mower, who is charging less than the previous one. There are new hymn books (Laudate) just waiting for Nick to be well enough to run a hymn practice.
Sacred Heart. The locks on the bins didn’t work as the cleaners found it difficult to replace them after removal. It had been decided to leave the bins unlocked. John Bolger had asked on behalf of a parishioner, the question of possibly having a defibrillator installed outside the hall. (Note added later – the Birchwood Surgery on the other side of Park Lane has a defibrillator on their outside wall, so not considered necessary).
8. ANY OTHER BUSINESS: There was no other business.
Tuesday 5 September 2023, 7.15pm for 7.30 at the Church of St Helen, Hoveton
Tuesday 5 December, 7.15pm for 7.30 at the Church of St John of the Cross, Aylsham
Fr Peter concluded the meeting with a prayer.