- NEWSLETTER 30.03.25“You cannot repent too soon, because you do not know how soon it may be too late.” The readings for the fourth Sunday of Lent Year C, invite us to reflect deeply on God’s unfathomable mercy and the joy of reconciliation and returning home to God.Traditionally, the Fourth Sunday of Lent is called Laetare Sunday… Read more: NEWSLETTER 30.03.25
- NEWSLETTER 23.03.25“The Christian who has stopped repenting has stopped growing.” The 3rd Sunday of Lent Year C helps us reflect on God’s call, repentance and growth. The readings from Exodus, Corinthians and Luke guide us to understand our faith journey better.In Exodus, God calls Moses from the burning bush. This shows that God reaches out to… Read more: NEWSLETTER 23.03.25
- NEWSLETTER 16.03.25“Beautiful are those whose brokenness gives birth to transformation and wisdom.” On the 2nd Sunday of Lent Year C, the readings invite us to reflect on faith, transformation, and God’s promises. These themes help us to grow closer to God during Lent. The readings invite us to work with the Holy Spirit to transform our… Read more: NEWSLETTER 16.03.25
- NEWSLETTER 09.03.25“The devil catches most souls in a golden net.” Lent begins with a reflection on the Temptation of Jesus in the wilderness. The Church assigns temptation stories to the beginning of Lent because temptations come to everybody, not only to Jesus, and we seem almost genetically programmed to yield to them.The readings for the 1st… Read more: NEWSLETTER 09.03.25
- NEWSLETTER 02.03.25“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.” The readings of the 8th Sunday in the Ordinary Time Year C, invite us to reflect on the integrity of our hearts, emphasizing that the words we speak and the fruits of our action reveal our true selves. They challenge us to examine… Read more: NEWSLETTER 02.03.25