Dear Friends,
In today’s Gospel reading the people are looking for more free meals! If God provided food for their ancestors in the desert why can’t Jesus do the same for them? Jesus tells them that the manna was only a temporary measure. God is now offering something far more substantial: it will be food for the world that will last for ever. And that food, Jesus tells them, is not manna, but himself. ’I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never be hungry’.
Father James
At the Sacred Heart, North Walsham, all Masses are accessible from your computer. Simply click on Live Streaming.
The end of Covid restrictions. Last weekend saw the relaxation of many of the restrictions on our Sunday and weekday Masses. We will continue to use hand sanitisers and face coverings and we are encouraged to use the QR codes when we arrive at the church. More seats are now available in each of our churches. This means that the booking system is no longer necessary if you attend Mass at Aylsham or Hoveton. It will continue at North Walsham for the holiday season and you will need to contact the co-ordinator, John Bolger on 01692 581516 or by email:
Journey in Faith. This is a series of meetings led by Father James, for those who wish to explore the teaching of the Catholic church. They will include adults who have never been baptised, people who have been baptised in another Christian denomination who are looking to become Catholics and those who have returned to the church, often after many years, who would like to have a refresher course! The sessions take place in the presbytery on Sunday evenings at 6 pm. They are informal with opportunities for asking questions. The first session will be on 5th September.
Health and Safety. We are looking for someone from the Sacred Heart church to help with Health and Safety issues. Ken Watkins has done this for the last two years but he has now taken on the role of parish treasurer and cannot do both. Let Fr James know if you are interested or need more information.
Readers of the Word: A last plea for more readers at the Sacred Heart before we draw up a rather sparse rota. We would urge people to consider whether or not they could add to the few and take on this important ministry – it is a very rewarding experience for the reader. Please let Fr James or Antonia know if you would like to read in church.
Fortnightly Bible Study continues on Friday 13th August at 2.30pm in the parish meeting room. All welcome.
The annual Mass in the Memorial Garden (North Walsham) takes place on Tuesday 17th August at 6.00pm. Everyone is welcome but especially those who have their loved one’s ashes buried there. If it is wet, Mass will be held in the church. We will need help that evening with the setting up and putting back of the chairs so we would be very grateful for any volunteers. Please let Antonia know. Many thanks.
Choir practice at North Walsham continues on Wednesday evenings at 6.15pm. New members are very welcome.
A Young Organists’ Concert is being held on Saturday 7th August at Aylsham Parish Church at 12.15pm. Coffee beforehand, in aid of the Norfolk Organists Association, is available from 11.00am.
We pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Derek and Frances Palman, Mary Bell and Mary Carr.
We pray for those whose anniversaries occur at this time including: Elizabeth Hebden, Richard Furlong, Kathleen Harkin, Norah Nyland, June Ennals, Ronald Perkins, Jean Eastaugh, Stephen Britchford, Christopher Tuohy and Jeanette Shaw. May they rest in peace.