A WARM WELCOME to all our VISITORS: we hope you have a very enjoyable time here in beautiful North Norfolk. Do feel free to stay for coffee after Mass and meet some of our parishioners. “One off” gift aid envelopes for your collection are available at the back of the church for those who would like to use them. Thanks.
TODAY is Racial Justice Day when there will be a Second Collection for the Catholic Association for Racial Justice. If you wish to gift-aid please complete the details on the form at the rear of the church, headed: carj. Pope Francis has also asked all peoples to keep a time of Prayer and Fasting this weekend for peace in the world and especially Syria. He is leading a prayer vigil in St Peter’s Square this Saturday evening (7th September) from 7.00pm to Midnight.
NEXT SUNDAY is Home Mission Sunday and there will be a voluntary basket Collection (not a second collection)
DOWRY OF MARY PILGRIMAGE to Walsingham TODAY (Sunday) Programme: 11.30am Reception of Flags; 12noon Mass; 3.15pm Procession to Priory Grounds (from Chapel of Reconciliation) for Benediction & Prayers at the Original Shrine Site in the village. Do come along if only for the afternoon events.
VISIT OF FR RAJAT As many of you will already know, Fr Rajat’s visit has had to be ‘postponed indefinitely’ for practical reasons. This is obviously a great disappointment, both to him and to all those looking forward to welcoming him this weekend. Sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused.
THE BINGO NIGHT will go ahead as announced, on Friday 13th September at 7pm in the Sacred Heart Parish hall. Entry is free, Bingo Cards 50p per game. Bring your own drinks but “plate to share” now unnecessary. Tea/coffee provided. Raffle & Cambodian Crafts on sale. Proceeds to Support Cambodia Education Fund.
PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL – is meeting in the committee room, parish hall, on Tuesday 10th September at 7.15 for 7.30pm.
PARISH REPS (North Walsham) on the Pastoral Council will be available to speak to today (Sunday after Mass) in the parish hall. Do come and put your queries and points to them over a coffee.
LITURGY COMMITTEE MEETINGS – on Friday 13th: Aylsham, after the 9.30am Mass, and North Walsham in the presbytery at 5pm.
BIBLE GROUP resume fortnightly meetings in the parish hall at 2.30pm on 13th and 27th September.
DO YOU KNOW ANYONE WHO WANTS TO BECOME A CATHOLIC? Then please direct them to the presbytery (4 Norwich Road, North Walsham) on Friday 27th September at 7pm to find out about our Journey in Faith Programme. Even better is to offer to bring them along to the meeting. This will be a very informal meeting so don’t be shy to come along.
FIRST COMMUNION PROGRAMME 2013/14 If your child is in year 3 or above and you wish them to be enrolled in the Parish Preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist, please complete a registration form for enrolment to be found at the back of the church – asap.
SENIOR CITIZENS GROUP resume meetings on Monday 16th September and would be pleased to welcome any newcomers: for information speak to or phone Marianne 01692 402061. On Monday September 23rd, Neil Storey, the well-known local historian, will be giving a presentation on the 1953 floods commencing at 1.30pm. All parishioners are warmly invited to attend.
BENEDICTION is on Sunday 15th September at 3pm when the theme will be the “Holy Cross”.
MACMILLAN COFFEE MORNING – Biggest Coffee Morning in the World is at Aylsham on Friday 27th September at 10.15am after Mass. Home baking, FREE coffee refills, book stall. All are welcome.
HARVEST SUPPER (Aylsham) is on Saturday 5th October at 7pm. Chilli or quiche with crusty bread and salad; dessert. Wine available or soft drinks. £7 – proceeds to St John’s Roof Fund.
ST HELEN’S HARVEST SUPPER is on Monday 7th October: tickets (£5) on sale from Mary Edmonds (01692 580712).
FOODBANK is starting a new weekly distribution centre at the URC Church, Hoveton on Thursday 12th September, 10.30am-12noon. Now looking for voluteers – if anyone could help please could they contact Susan Roberts on 01603 781901 or at sioux745@aol.com
LATEST – News, Shopping Lists & thanks are on notice boards at North Walsham and Aylsham.
Future dates for your diary:
PRO-LIFE PILGRIMAGE to Walsingham, led by Bishop John Sherrington: Sunday 22nd September. Pl see poster on notice board for details.
FURSEY ANNUAL PILGRIMAGE Sat 5th Oct – Burgh Castle at 2.30pm.
ACT (Aylsham & District Care Trust) Annual Celebration Service – Sunday 15th September at 3pm at the ACT Centre, Aylsham. Please see poster for details.
Parish “QUIET DAY” on Saturday 12th October – details to follow.
We pray for Teresa Moss who died last week – We remember her family and friends. We pray also for all those whose anniversaries are at this time including: Ivan John Kulas, Pauline Ann Gilmore, Peter John Bonsall and Barbara Stone.
May they rest in peace. Amen.
‘YEAR OF FAITH’ PARISH VISIT TO ST JOHN’S CATHEDRAL, NORWICH on Wednesday 2nd October. Fr. David will lead us on this visit to the Cathedral and the coach will be leaving Aylsham at 9.30am; North Walsham at 9.50am and Hoveton at 10.10 am, to arrive for Mass at the Cathedral at 11am. We will then have a guided Tour of the Cathedral (£3 per head) and Tower if desired (£3 per head) followed by a Pilgrim’s Lunch in the Narthax consisting of Fresh Soup and a Selection of sandwiches + tea/coffee or fruit juice (£8.40 per head). The coach will pick up for the return home at approximately 3pm. Please would you sign the lists at the back of each church by Sunday 22nd September to book your place on the coach for the visit. For further details please contact Clare Hardie on 01603 897609. The parish will pay for the coach fare.
SPONSORED CYCLE RIDE (Norfolk Churches Trust). Jim Byrne (North Walsham) and Mary Carr (Aylsham) are again taking part in the Ride/Walk next Saturday 14th September 9.00am – 5.00pm. There may also be others who have collected their own Sponsorship. Sponsor forms are available in church porches. It’s not too late to join in.
North Walsham and Aylsham have lists at the back of the church for you to sign up for an hour to “man” the church and to welcome cyclists and walkers who call at our church.
BACTON PRIORY MASS – One or two of you have been asking about this annual event. Unfortunately it is not possible to do it this year as Fr. David has no free Saturday mornings. It would have been this coming Saturday but all the seminarians of England and Wales, together with the bishops are meeting at Walsingham and as Bishop Alan is on holiday Fr. David will be representing him.