Dear Friends,
“God is responsible for the consequences of our obedience; WE are responsible for the consequences of our disobedience.”
In our liturgy for this Sunday, we see the emphasis on obedience to God, as against disobedience. With obedience come the blessings of God, while disobedience separates us from the blessings of God. In view of this, dear friends in Christ, we are all invited to put into practice the word of God that we hear and listen to in our daily lives.
Father Peter
RCIA – Journey in Faith meetings are starting again this Autumn for those who are thinking about becoming a Catholic or who would just like to know more about the Catholic faith. Please speak to Fr Peter.
Next Friday is Harvest Fast Day: next weekend there is a 2nd Collection for CAFOD
Next Sunday is the start of Prisoners’ Week during which we are asked to pray for prisoners and their families.
Counters: Please note, the third of four Mass Counts will be taken this weekend.
Cake Sale today after 11am Mass at the Sacred Heart in support of Faithful Flames whose meeting for the children is now held in the presbytery conservatory at 10.30am.
Important message: we need to have four certified first aid trainers from each of our churches to fulfil H & S requirements. If you feel this is a good way in which you can help our communities please contact Richard at St Helen’s on 07730 817580. Full training will be given at no personal cost.
The next St Helen’s Coffee Morning will be on Wednesday 4th October at 10.30am. Please do come and join us for refreshments including home-made bakes and a chat with friends for just £2. You will be made most welcome.
CAFOD Family Fast Day appeal (Friday 6th) – Harvest Collection at Masses on 7th/8th October. The work of CAFOD and the local partners and churches they work with is not only helping to fight global food poverty but to bring expert help to victims of natural disasters like the floods in Pakistan and Libya. Donations will be collected at Mass next week. You can use the CAFOD envelopes available or donate by card or online.
CAFOD Harvest Lunch – Saturday 7th October, 1pm. at St John of the Cross. “Soups & Puddings” – a fundraising lunch to support Family Fast Day appeal. Please sign the sheet at the back of the church by end of September if you would like to join us. Thank you.
The October ‘House Mass’ will be on Tuesday 10th October at St Mary’s Church, High Street, Stalham. NR12 9GA.
Evening Mass. This Friday, the first Friday of the month, there will be a Mass at 6.30pm at the Sacred Heart Church.
Nominations are still required to fill vacancies on the Parish Pastoral Council for both St John of the Cross and now especially urgent for St Helen’s to replace Peter Rylance, whose term has now ended.
Minutes of the PPC Meeting of 5th September are available to read here and also available in hard copy in our church porches.
We pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Frances Palman, Mary Bell, Mary Carr, Paul Watson, Cyril Shenton, Patricia Newton, Celia Cooper, Michael Haughton, Marie Barton, Robert Buhagiar, Margaret Larkins, Daphne Necchi, Bert Pooler, Maria Halsey, Shirley Teague, Joan Macnamara and Richard Skelton.
We pray for those who have died recently: Gerry Francis, and those whose anniversaries occur this week: Jack Roberts, Olga Kerr, John Barrett, Gwendoline Faupel, Thomas Rawlinson, Eileen Winson, Sylvia Butcher, Joyce Bailey and Emanuel (Manny) Galea. May they rest in peace.