18th Week in Ordinary Time 2020
2nd – 9th August
Two key words in today’s Gospel are compassion and food. Jesus shows his compassion for the people who came flocking to him. He feeds them with his teaching and then with a superabundance of food. The event has echoes of the manna God provided for the people in the desert: it also looks forward to the Last Supper and beyond to the Mass we share today.
It is no longer be necessary to book a place for weekday Masses. For the present we will continue to do so for weekends. John Bolger is co-ordinating this and can be contacted on 01692 581516 or 07526 369318 (mobile) or by email: bolger@waitrose.com.
Sunday Masses are at the normal times. Weekday Masses are as follows: Tuesday: 9.30 at Sacred Heart, Wednesday: 9.30 at St Helen’s, Friday: 9.30 at St John of the Cross.
Remembering Bob Maidment – Mass & Picnic in the Garden at Ivy Cottage, Wickmere on Wednesday 12th August. Details from Katie on 01263 577784 or email katbob@live.co.uk. RSVP by Monday 10th August.
We welcome into the family of the Church Samuel Anthony Muththu, son of Anthony and Mariya, who was baptized recently at St Helen’s, Hoveton.
Remember to pray for all our sick parishioners: Maria Wilby, Matt Butler, John Gowing, Derek and Frances Palman, Kevin Fitzmaurice and Mary Carr.
We remember Graham Burdett who died last week and those whose anniversaries occur at this time: Mary Watts, Elizabeth Hebden, Richard Furlong, Kathleen Harkin, Norah Nyland, June Ennals, Ronald Perkins, Jean Eastaugh, Stephen Britchford, Christopher Tuohy, Jeanette Shaw, Maureen Breen, Brenda O’Mara, Audrey Howard, Christina O’Flaherty and Betty Beardshaw.
The total for last weekend’s collection was £553.
Father James