Dear Parishioners,
Bishop Alan will be visiting our Parish at Sacred Heart on 9th October at 11.00 am to install me as your parish priest. I kindly invite all the parishioners to come and support us. It would be a wonderful opportunity to express our gratitude to our Bishop Alan.
We will have the Blessed Sacrament Exposition on Saturdays at 12.00 – 12.30 pm. The celebration of Sacrament of Confessions will continue during this time.
The 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time speaks a lot about “Faith” and how it works in our lives. “To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without Faith, no explanation is possible.” (St. Thomas Aquinas). It is this Faith that is the nucleus of all of our readings today.
Fr Peter
The recently launched Listening & Prayer Ministry provides a unique lay-led service to parishioners throughout the Diocese. Pairs of trained helpers listen and pray with those in need: all helpers are trained in spiritual guidance, safeguarding and GDPR. Ring 01603 957653 to leave a message: all calls are confidential and will be returned within 48 hours. This number is not a helpline but a booking system.
CAFOD Family Fast Day, World Food Appeal, Friday 7th October
Millions of families are facing a food crisis that could be the worst in living memory. Your donations can help CAFOD’s local experts to provide emergency food supplies to families in the worst affected countries in East Africa and support communities around the world working hard to put food on the table. Please give today or start a monthly gift to CAFOD. Use the envelope or go to
Faithful Flames Children’s Group meets in the parish hall at 10.30am, our usual time. This is for all children up to the age of 16. It will be great to see you! Kerry – 0750 4048352.
Holy Hour & Eucharistic Adoration is on Thursdays at St Helen’s at 3pm – a time for quiet reflection, meditation and contemplation.
Parish Pastoral Council Elections. Nominations are requested for a new representative for the Sacred Heart. Please pick up a nomination form from the table in the church porch.
The Julian Benedictine Prayer Group will be holding a four week series of talks on how Benedictine spirituality can help us in our everyday and prayer lives staring Monday 26th September. The meetings will be at St George’s Church, Norwich from 6.30pm lasting approximately one and a half hours, tea and coffee provided. For further details please contact Diana on 01362 637597.
The St Bernadette Relic tour offers a once in a lifetime opportunity for people of all ages and backgrounds to experience the special gifts and charisms of Lourdes, in a church or cathedral near them and included three days (13th to 15th October) when they will be at St John’s Cathedral, Norwich. The venues hosting St Bernadette’s relics have a fixed capacity for visitors so pilgrims are asked to register their attendance, choosing a dedicated timeslot. If you wish register a time to visit the relics, please click on the link above.
St Helen’s October Coffee Morning will take place after Mass on Wednesday 5th from 10.20-11.30am. Please do come and join us for refreshments including home made bakes for just £2.00. You are all most welcome.
At St John of the Cross we would welcome offers to do tea/coffee after Sunday Mass; also, we are looking for flower arrangers to join the team. Please give your name to Pauline Andrews.
We pray four our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Frances Palman, Mary Bell, Monica Hawley, Mary Carr, Paul Watson, Cyril Shenton, Patricia Newton, Pat Durrant, Celia Cooper and Barbara Laws
We pray for those whose anniversaries occur this week: John (Jack) Barrett, Gwendoline Faupel, Thomas Rawlinson, Eileen Winson, Sylvia Butcher, Joyce Bailey, Emanuel (Manny) Galea and Deanna Gawlina. May they rest in peace.