A WARM WELCOME to all our VISITORS: we hope you have a very enjoyable time here in beautiful North Norfolk. Do feel free to stay for coffee after Mass and meet some of our parishioners. “One off” gift envelopes for your collection are available at the back of the church for those who would like to use them. Thanks.
There is no Children’s Liturgy until September
ST BENET’S ANNUAL ECUMENICAL SERVICE is TODAY (Sunday). It takes place this afternoon in the open air on the Broads at 3.30pm. All are welcome to this rather beautiful service set on the historic site where once the Benedictine Abbey of St Benet’s stood. To get there, take the Ludham road from Wroxham, turn right just after “The Dog” public house at Johnson Street and follow the signs.
PARISH “COUNTERS” (North Walsham) – Please could you attend a 10 minute meeting this morning immediately following today’s Mass, when the new system of weekly entries will be gone through and explained – a good chance to solve any problems that have arisen so far.
TO HONOUR ARCHBISHP ROMERO a reliquary and Salvadoran Cross creating a special “Romero Space” for prayer will be erected in St George’s Cathedral, Southwark, on 19th September. It will be dedicated to Bishop Michael’s memory, whose second anniversary was July 11th. Bishop Michael had a special devotion to Archbishop Romero, a modern martyr of the Christian faith who inspired his own ministry as bishop. Costs involved in realizing this project are in excess of £30,000. For those who would like to contribute to this memorial there will be an opportunity, next weekend 10th/11th August after our Sunday Masses. Any cheque should be made out to “Archbishop Romero Trust”.
THE BIBLE GROUP in North Walsham put aside their Bibles to spend ten sessions with Fr Robert Barron and his DVDs called “Catholicism, A Journey to the Heart of the Faith”. Those attending were greatly inspired (ask them!). It is now hoped that this programme can be moved to both Aylsham and Hoveton. It would be necessary that wherever we meet there is a television with DVD facility. The number attending is not important – 100 or 5 would be just fine. We feel that the opportunity to experience this outstanding and beautiful journey, should be taken up by as many as possible. For more information please ask Deacon Ron or any of those who attended the sessions.
DISABLED PARKING We now have 2 Disabled Parking spaces, labelled, in all 3 church car parks. Please do leave these spaces for our Blue Badge Holders. In the Sacred Heart car park there are also “No Parking” signs each side of the ramp to the side entrance to enable people to “stop and drop-off” passengers who find walking through the car park difficult; please do not leave cars parked in these “drop-off” areas as it makes access to the car park difficult for other users. Thank you.
OUR ANNUAL MASS IN THE GARDEN OF REMEMBRANCE (North Walsham) takes place on Wednesday 21st August at 6.00pm. Everyone is welcome but especially those who have their loved one’s ashes buried there. If it is wet, Mass will be held in the church. We will need help that evening with setting up and putting back of the chairs. If you can help please have a word with Antonia or ring the Presbytery. Many thanks.
FOODBANK A further letter of thanks from the trustees of Cromer & District Foodbank has been received in answer to our gift of £802.94 raised as part of the proceeds from the Parish Fete. The letter addressed to Fr David is pinned on the church notice board. We are reminded of the continuing need to have these foodbanks, so please do keep the donations coming.
SPONSORED BIKE RIDE & WALK (Norfolk Churches Trust) will take place on Saturday 14th September 9.00am-5.00pm. Sponsorship forms are available in church porches also on line at norfolkchurchestrust.org.uk/sponsored-bike ride It is hoped that a number of you will feel able to rise to the challenge of this very worthy and healthy event!
A REMINDER to all who organise parish events. In order to avoid clashes, please make sure your date are on the Parish Website Calendar. This should be done via either Clare Hardie (01603 890609) or Antonia at the Parish Office on
PARISH SUPPORT GROUP Don’t forget we have a support group that can be reached either by phoning 07501 265779 or via email
YOUTH 2000 a FESTIVAL entitled “Kingdom Come” for young Adults at Walsingham 22-26th August. There are some cards at the back of church giving more details. It is well worth going along – a great time of deepening one’s faith and celebrating with other Catholics from all over the Country and beyond.
Future dates for your diary:
DOWRY OF MARY PILGRIMAGE to Walsingham: Sunday 8th September.
INVOCATION – St Chad’s Cathedral, Birmingham on Saturday 12th October. Again this is for young people particularly thinking about their lives and what God may be saying to them. See Poster in the Porch for more details.
We pray for all those who anniversaries are at this time including: June Marion Ennals, Christopher Tuohy, Jeanette Therese Shaw, Brenda Ivy O’Mara, Peter Carty, Audrey Christine Howard, Christina O’Flaherty, Betty Beardshaw and Stanley Norman Duddridge. May they rest in peace. Amen.