Dear Parishioners,
“Power is never good unless he be good who has it. A good name is better than wealth. No sword can slay it; no rope can bind it”.
John the Baptist in today’s Gospel summons us to play our essential part by leading lives of repentance, conversion and renewal, thus preparing the way for the Lord’s second coming. We start this process by spiritually preparing for the annual celebration of Christmas, the Lord’s first coming, as we reform and renew our lives by repentance and works of charity.
Fr Peter
Next Sunday there will be a Second Collection for the Dependent Priests’ Fund.
The Parish Reconciliation Service takes place at North Walsham on Saturday 17th December at 11.30am –12.30pm. There will be a number of visiting priests available for confessions. It is an excellent way of preparing for Christmas.
RCIA (the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) meetings for those adults seeking to become members of the Catholic Church or wishing to know more about the faith, will be starting this month.
House Mass -at the home of Celia Cooper on Thursday 8th at 3pm at Barnside, Stubb Road, Hickling. NR12 0YS. Tel. 01692 5988667
CAFOD have written to thank the parish for our generous donation of £1,134.15 in response to the World Food Appeal (Family Fast Day) on 7th October. World Gifts brochures are available in church porches. For free delivery, orders online to be sent by 15th December.
There will be no meeting of the 4th Wednesday Club at St Helen’s in December; our next meeting will be on 25th January 2023.
St Helen’s Christmas Coffee Morning will take place after Mass on Wednesday 7th Dec from 10.20-11.30. Pl do drop in for refreshments including home made festive bakes & a chat with friends for just £2. You will be made most welcome.
First Holy Communion. We will be starting our New First Holy Communion classes at the beginning of December. Parents and children from the age of 7, wishing to register, please complete registration forms at the back of the church and give to Fr Peter.
From our twinned parish, St Francis Xavier, Cambodia: Fr Greg Priyadi has sent a request for prayers: 1) For the victims of the earthquake in Indonesia. 2) For the 9 students preparing for final exams. 3) For 4 students who will be baptised at Christmas.
Please remember to send a Christmas card to our twinned parish. Last posting date 7th December, but later will still get there before Epiphany! Address: Catholic Church, Road 4, #53 Krom 12, Phum Sophy, Khum Kompong Svay, Srei Sisophon, Banteay Meanchey Province, CAMBODIA.
Parish Pastoral Council meets Tues 6th Dec at St Helen’s. Any matters parishioners would like raised pl speak with one of your representatives – details on church notice boards.
St Helen’s Advent Carol Service will be held on Tuesday 13th December at 7.00pm.
The Sacred Heart is having a traditional Carol Service of Christmas readings and carols on Sunday 18th December at 3.00pm.
Church Flower arrangers would be very grateful for your contributions towards flowers and decorations for our churches over Christmas. Thank you.
“Carols at Roys”, Wroxham. Churches Together singing carols invite you to join them on Thursday 8th December at 5pm.
We pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Frances Palman, Mary Bell, Monica Hawley, Mary Carr, Paul Watson, Cyril Shenton, Patricia Newton, Pat Durrant, Celia Cooper, Barbara Laws, Michael Haughton, Marie Barton and Helga Wright.
We pray for those whose anniversaries occur this week: Geoffrey Gooch, Anna Taylor, George Pearson, Wallace Harmer, John Wills, David McGee, Priscilla Jarrad, Pearl Byrne, and Joseph (Joe) Rose. May they rest in peace.