In today’s Gospel Jesus describes the mystery and the reality of loving. We need to read it with todays second reading in mind. For Christians love has God as its source and inspiration because, as John tells us, God is love. Jesus reveals the depth of his love for his disciples and how he is united to them in a similar way to his love for the Father. When the disciples love one another they are inserted into the life of God: everything they ask will be given them.
Fr James
Thursday is Ascension Day and a Holy Day of Obligation.
Next Sunday is World Communications day: there will be a Second Collection for the Catholic Communications Network.
No Faithful Flames today but will return Sunday 12th May. On that Sunday there will be a bake sale to raise money for the coach taking the children on the Annual Children’s Pilgrimage to Walsingham, Tuesday 28th May, during the week of half term. The coach will be leaving the Sacred Heart Church (North Walsham) at 9am prompt. Please arrive at least 15 minutes before that time.
Monday 6th May is the annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Walsingham. Exposition will be in the Church of the Assumption (Friday Market) at 11.00 then the Holy Mile walk to the Catholic Shrine, Basilica for lunch and Mass at 15.00hrs. Cost £6 to be collected on the coach. Please bring a packed lunch. The coach will leave North Walsham at 9.30 and Aylsham at 9.45. Please be punctual as the coach cannot wait for latecomers.
A Day of Recollection for men open to a call to the Priesthood, on Saturday 11 May at St Mary’s Catholic Church, Thetford, 10.30am—2.30pm. If interested, email Fr Pat Cleary at
The next Lectio Divina meeting is on 13th May (avoiding Bank Holiday) at 7pm at St John of the Cross. Just turn up or contact Mary on
On Saturday, 11th May, we will be celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Fr Peter’s Ordination to the Priesthood and a big day is planned. There will be Mass at midday, followed by a party in the hall and the garden. We are collecting for a gift and lists are at the back of the churches for those who wish to attend the celebrations and provide food. Please bring your own garden chairs and alcohol. Offers of Gazebos would be most welcome (in case of bad weather!). Please note: a card is in each church for you to sign.
Child Centred Donations for SVP houses for the homeless in Sheringham & Cromer. They have recently appointed a full time Housing & Support Manager in their Temporary Emergency Accom. Project which will have 7 family units by the end of June. More child-centred support will be provided with toy boxes and mini libraries in our properties – we will need donations of toys, books & games for all ages to add to these. A ‘pick-a-duvet & teddy’ to make the children feel more welcome in their new home will be provided; many experiencing homelessness have to leave their belongings behind. Pl donate generously. Ring Steve James (07808901028)
Deputy Head Teacher vacancy at Notre Dame High School, Norwich. Details on
Anyone who would like to join the rota of those serving refreshments after Sunday Mass at the Sacred Heart, please speak to Fr Peter, Maureen Ollivier or Cathy Watkins.
We pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Frances Palman, Mary Bell, Paul Watson, Cyril Shenton, Patricia Newton, Celia Cooper, Marie Barton, Robert Buhagiar, Margaret Larkins, Daphne Necchi, Bert Pooler, Maria Halsey, Joan Macnamara, Richard Skelton, Teresa Fitzmaurice, Joan Gale, Bernadette Saunders and Debbie Caruana and also include those not named but who are sick and the families caring for them.
We pray for those whose anniversaries occur this week: Emily Gray, John Russell, James & Nan Byrne, Margery Huxtable, Charles Cornish, Anne Kelly, Marjorie Reynolds, Christopher Smith and Lillian Davis. May they rest in peace.