14th Week in Ordinary Time 2020
5th – 11th July
In today’s Gospel Jesus reveals to those who belong to him the comfort and joy of salvation. He gives thanks to his Father for this revelation to mere children. While the learned and the powerful cannot understand, the humble welcome the light burden of the law of love.
Sunday and weekday Masses begin this weekend.
The long wait is over and we can once more gather for Sunday and weekday Mass. We do this carefully and responsibly as we follow the guidelines set out by our bishops. A big thank you to all those who have worked hard to set out our churches so that they conform to social distancing and who will be there to offer guidance as we navigate our way through the weeks to come.
If you wish to attend Mass at any of our churches you will need to book a place (or two for couples) with John, either by email or by telephone. He can be contacted on 01692 581516 or 07526 369318 (mobile) or by email: bolger@waitrose.com
The Sunday obligation has been dispensed until further notice. This means that if you cannot attend Mass on a Sunday then a weekday Mass will count as your weekly Mass.
When you arrive at the church hand cleansers and face masks will be available. A steward will show you to your place. Further practical details will be given during Mass.
Remember to pray for all our sick parishioners: Maria Wilby, Matt Butler, John Gowing, Derek and Frances Palman, Kevin Fitzmaurice, David Battigan, Graham Burdett and Mary Carr.
We remember those whose anniversaries occur at this time: William Mackew, Stephen Rothon, Audrey Walker, Patrick Treacy and Gloria Moolchan.
I will be away from the parish from Monday to Thursday. Antonia will be in the office to take calls.
Father James