A WARM WELCOME TO OUR VISITORS – And a very Happy New Year! Thank you for joining us for our Mass, we hope you are enjoying your stay in Norfolk. You are welcome to join parishioners for coffee after our Sunday Masses (Aylsham and North Walsham).
We welcome and thank Fr Peter Brown who is celebrating the 5.30pm Mass at Hoveton as Fr David is presiding at the New Year Epiphany Candlelight Mass for the youth of the Diocese at Poringland.
“Doorway to Faith” (booklet)- part 2 is now available in the church porch at a cost of only £1.00 (cover price £1.50 – we have a bulk order). There will be four parts in total. This is highly recommended for this “Year of Faith”.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP resumes its meetings on Monday 14th January.
An important amendment, with apologies for the confusion from Antonia. Donations to the Crib made by Sheila Hall (in the porch at North Walsham) go to the Benjamin Foundation. Donations placed at the main Cribs in the three churches are going to “Crisis at Christmas”. The Cribs will remain up until after next weekend.
BIBLE GROUP resumes studies this Tuesday 8th January 2.30 – 4.00pm.
COMMUNITY MEETING at St Helen’s next Saturday after the evening Mass. Items to be put on the Agenda sheet on the notice board.
PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND Palestine Pilgrimage is a UK Registered Charity set up by the Diocese of East Anglia to facilitate pilgrimages in support of the Christian community in the Holy Land. This is a special pilgrimage for the Year of Faith, led by Fr Robert Hill who has a Doctorate in Biblical Studies. Pilgrims will have the chance to listen to the scriptures in their original setting, visit major sites in the Holy Land with opportunities for discussion and reflection on passages from the Bible. It takes place on 14th to 21st October 2013 with flights from/to Luton and Manchester. £1,300 per person, half-board sharing a twin room. £200 supplement for single rooms. Deposit and Booking Form required by 14th January 2013. As places are limited an early booking is recommended.
SPUC (Society for Protection of unborn Children) – there will be a retiring collection next week for their work which is also currently strongly opposing attempts to re-define marriage as, doing so would weaken family networks that knit society together. Please take one of their Declaration of Support cards and send it off as part of SPUC’s submission to the Prime Minister.
There are also copies of a letter from Bishop Philip Egan, Bishop of Portsmouth, who recently wrote an open letter to the Prime Minister on the subject of same sex marriage – this may help you to write to your local MP. More information will be forthcoming. Do pick up a copy from the church porch.
DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO ROME – 16th to 20th September 2013. A few places may still be available. This is to mark the “Year of Faith”.
PARISH WEB SITE: Our new parish site is just up and running….this means we have some of the basics, including the current newsletter and Mass times; but there’s lots more work to be done in making sure that all our parish activities are represented and that there’s a space for all necessary information. www.sacredheartnorthwalsham.com
BURNS NIGHT SUPPER – Come and help raise funds for Group 111 HCPT (who take disabled children to Lourdes at Easter 2013) by enjoying a superb evening out – three course meal, half bottle of wine pp., dancing and music in our parish hall on Saturday 26th January. 7.00 for 7.30pm. Tickets £20 each, available from Teresa Butler on 01692 405007 or 07901 830327.
PARISH FETE 2013 Watch this space for a date for the planning meeting in January, for those who have helped with this event before and any newcomers.
JOB OPPORTUNITY The Cathedral of St John The Baptist Trust wishes to employ a Financial Assistant at the Cathedral. in Norwich. Application Form and detailed Job Description can be obtained from the Finance Office (Tel:01508 492540/e-mail: finance@east-angliadiocese.org.uk Closing date 11.01.13.
KESWICK HALL LECTURE at the Thomas Paine Study Centre UEA on “Compassion: nice idea or urgent global imperative?” by Karen Armstrong – highly recommended. Thurs 31st Jan. at 7pm. Admission free. Anyone planning to go please contact Presbytery office. See fliers for further information.
The Wills family wish to thank parishioners for their kind prayerful support during the time of John’s illness and for their presence at the Requiem Mass.
We pray for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time, including Freda Hodgson, Kate (Kit) Denton, Adele Margaret Green, Mahalla Waller, Lilian Pycroft, Eileen Barrett, Mary Bridgett Betts, Wladyslaw Przybyla,
Marie Patricia Heath, Michael Dalton and Jeremiah (Jerry) Griffin.
May they rest in peace. Amen.
Many apologies for the last minute replacement of Mass with a Service of the Word and Holy Communion on New Year’s Day and for the cancellation of the Open House at the Presbytery – unfortunately Fr David was struck by the bug! Thanks to Deacon Ron for stepping in.
Fr David and Deacon Ron would like to take this opportunity of wishing Parishioners and our Visitors the Peace and Joy of this Christmas season and every Blessing for the New Year.