A WARM WELCOME TO ANY VISITORS who may be with us this weekend, staying with family and friends or just here on holiday: we hope you have an enjoyable time in beautiful North Norfolk. You are welcome to stay for coffee after our weekend Masses and meet some of our parishioners.
We warmly welcome and thank Fr Peter Brown for celebrating our Sunday Masses whilst Fr Michael is supplying in Newmarket.
CHANGES TO OUR MASS TIMES Please note there may still be the necessity to change a number of our usual Mass times during the summer months – please be sure to check with the bulletin each week.
NB On Monday (tomorrow) there is no 9.30am Mass at the Sacred Heart Church but there will be Mass at 2.15pm as outlined below.
NEXT SUNDAY is Sea Sunday when the Church remembers all those who live and work at sea. Seafarers are commonly recruited from poorer countries where wages are lower; spiritual deprivation and even exploitation as they transport the goods we use and consume every day. The Apostleship of the Sea (AoS) is the official maritime welfare agency of the Catholic Church in the UK. It reaches out to seafarers who visit our ports each year, offering pastoral and practical support and care. Sea Sunday is your chance to help AoS make a real difference to the lives of seafarers through the Second Collection. ‘Gift aid’ envelopes are in the porch.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP meets on Monday 7th July am. Computer Workshop: pm. Thanksgiving Mass with Anointing of the Sick commences at 2.15pm
MASS WITH ANOINTING, as mentioned above, will take place at the Sacred Heart Church, North Walsham on Monday 7th July at 2.15pm. This sacrament (once called Extreme Unction) is a sacrament of God’s healing love, strength and peace not only for those who are seriously ill but also for those who feel weak and less well through advanced years; also for those about to undergo major surgery. Those who regularly visit the housebound are encouraged to invite and bring them along to this Mass. Parishioners are warmly invited to come and pray for those from our community who will be anointed. (No 9.30am Mass on that Monday).
“EVANGELII GADIUM” the Encyclical by Pope Francis, recommended at the last Lenten Reflection, is available again at the 25% discounted price of £3.71. Please sign the lists in the porch for your copy. The money will be collected (not to be put in the wall slot please). Last weekend to sign for this book.
BIBLE GROUP meets on Friday 11th in the parish hall at 2.30pm. They will be looking at the Gospel for the following Sunday.
PARISH SUPPORT GROUP Remember we have a support group that can be reached by phoning 07501 265779, or speak to Hilary or Marianne initially.
MINUTES of the Parish Pastoral Council meeting of 1st May are now on the Parish Website and also on each church noticeboard.
NATIONAL CATHOLIC GRANDPARENTS’ ASSOC. PILGRIMAGE – at the Shrine of Our Lady in Walsingham on Saturday 26th July, the feast of St Anne & St Joachim, from 11am to 5pm. Mass will be celebrated by Fr Dennis McBride at 12 noon. Fun, games and children’s entertainment. The Walsingham story will be staged with the help of local actors. Please bring a picnic lunch. All are welcome.
PARISH PHOTOGRAPHERS: The PPC would like to improve the photographic record of parish events. Any of your photographs which you think may enhance our records please send to John Bolger – bolger@waitrose.com
MARRIAGE CELEBRATION MASS PHOTOS Photographs of the celebration Mass are now available to view on the diocesan website, together with instructions on how to obtain copies. Web address: www.catholiceastanglia.org/marriage Any queries, please contact Kerry Urdzik 01473 251301, or mflc@eastangliadiocese.org.uk
RE-ADVERTISMENT: The Diocesan Youth Service wishes to appoint a Mission Team Leader. This is a full-time residential position. For more information and a revised application pack, please go to www.catholiceastanglia.org/youth and click on the Mission Team link.
TO RAISE FUNDS for the roof of St John of the Cross – “Cheese & Wine on a Summer Evening” at Orchard Cottage, Newton Road, Hainford, NR10 3BQ on Saturday 12th July from 7pm. £6 – tickets from Kay (01263 761697) or Clare (01603 897609).
DESTINATION AYLSHAM 6TH JULY St John’s parishioners are asked to support this community fun day at the Recreation Ground. Churches Together in Aylsham United Service at 10.45am. Fun activities for children pm. St John’s is supervising 4-5pm – at least 6 people needed: pl contact Neil/Carol at church.
RECRUITMENT DRIVE for new staff at St Mary’s Catholic Primary and Nursery School, Gorleston. See Diocesan Website for more details: www.catholiceast-angliadiocese.org.uk or the advert on the notice board.
We pray for Madeleine McGrory who died last Saturday week: we hold in prayer her family and friends. We pray also for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time, including Stephen Francis Rothon, Audrey Dymock Walker, PatrickThomas Treacy and Gloria Romalina Moolchan.
May they rest in peace. Amen.