Dear Friends,
The Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) is a reminder of the central place of the Eucharist in our Catholic tradition. So it is appropriate that a group of our children who have been preparing for this day for several months should today receive Holy Communion for the first time. On Friday some of our young people were confirmed by Bishop Alan and we congratulate them. Next Friday is the patronal feast of our parish – the Feast of the Sacred Heart. The Mass will be celebrated at Aylsham but I am inviting parishioners from all three communities to come for this our special day.
God bless you all,
Father James
‘Godhead here in hiding, whom I do adore, masked by these bare shadows, shape and nothing more, see, Lord, at thy service low lies here a heart lost, all lost in wonder at the God thou art’ (St Thomas Aquinas)
Today, the feast of Corpus Christi, there will be Benediction at the Sacred Heart at 3pm: there is to be an outside procession, weather permitting. This is for all the parish.
A Cake Stall will be set up in the parish hall today by Kerry & Lauren Thorpe to raise money for the coming WYD (World Youth Day) in Krakow, Poland. Please help our young people to experience such an event and strengthen their faith as a result.
Mission Team Vacancy are now looking for one more person, an 18-29 year old to complete their full-time Diocesan Mission Team. Could this be you? If interested in working with young people, please go to for more information. This is a residential position.
The new Rotas (NW) for both Readers and Eucharistic Ministers are available in the porch; please pick up your named copy.
The Senior Citizens Group (NW) meets Monday 8th: AM – Computer Workshop; PM – A DVD will be played entitled “Lourdes – Nothing tests faith more than a miracle”.
On Monday 15th June the group will be going on a Steam Boat Trip from Horning. There are a few places available at a cost of £6. If any parishioner would like to come along please contact Teresa on 01692 405007 by Tuesday 9th June.
A meeting for the Parish Summer Fete is on Tuesday 9th June in the Committee Room of the hall at 7pm. It is very IMPORTANT that all stall holders attend this meeting.
To parishioners – please continue to put your contributions to the Fete in the box left in the church porch and take books of raffle tickets to sell wherever you can. Queries to Teresa Butler on 07901 830327 or 01692 405007. More volunteers are still needed to make this event a huge success. See posters for details and reminders of the different stalls.
Events at Aylsham
“Youth Café” in Aylsham is a project for the young people of Aylsham and area supported by Broadland Christian Youth Trust and The Matthew Project. On Saturday 27th June there is a fund-raising AUCTION event at Bure Valley School. Proceeds to the new café. See poster at St John’s for more details.
A traditional Strawberry Afternoon Tea is to be held on Sunday 28th June, at 3 – 5pm at Orchard Cottage, Newton Road, Hainford, (Satnav NR10 3BQ) by kind permission of Rob & Clare Hardie. Tickets £5 : proceeds to St John of the Cross’ redecoration and the Sacred Heart Organ fund.
We pray for Lillian Mary Davis who died recently and also for Anne Sibley who died this week, we remember their familes and friends in prayer. We pray for those whose anniversaries occur at this time including: Una Youngson, Mary Cushion, Barbara Winfield, Hilda Martin, Patricia Minehan, Winifride Williamson, Charles Bryson, John Stevenson, Grace Rock, Robert Franklen and Anna Beales. May they rest in peace.